your POV

Vincent looked at me as if I was one of the most craziest people ever

"No you're not!" He said in a demanding tone, I started chuckling nervously.

"Well I sorta already have the job.." "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!" Vincent screamed "YOU'RE ONLY 16?! WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?!" The others started to wake up,

"What the hell is up with all the shouting?" Mike asked stretching

"y/n got a job at Fazbears Hell house" Vincent said, I looked over at Scott he was still in shock

"I-Its not l-like she g-got the night s-shift right?" Jeremy said, the others looked at me waiting for an answer, I held up a badge that said 'Fazbear security' Mike's jaw dropped, Jeremy almost fainted, Vincent looked madder than a bull, and Scott passed out.

"What are you thinking batty?" Doll said,

"I know you lived there but, putting yourself in danger and for what?" I looked up at Doll and sighed

"I think somethings up there and I don't want any of you too get hurt.."

"Bat, we can take care of ourselves. But your the youngest and-" Mike began but I cut him off
"I know my age and I know you guys are worried but hey, if you survived this long then so can I."

"You got hurt on your first night though," Vincent said, I suddenly started to remember everything that happened last night

"Well maybe you shouldn't tell people that stuff during hours!" I shot, "Besides I didn't know about the puppet..." I quickly shut my mouth, I knew better than too tell someone if an animatronic was still active or not. Scott and Vincent looked at each other

"The puppet?" Scott asked wearily I nodded

"Yeah he said that someone replaced me with him...and then attacked me.." I said,

"Well shit bat, if you got out of that then I think you'd be prepared to be a nigh guard." Mike said, Vincent looked like he would strangle Mike


"It was the fifth night..." I said, trying to defend my brother, I (Somehow) got up and made some breakfast (with the help of Doll and Scott). After breakfast the others left and I was left with Vincent and Scott "So..uh...what's up?" I said nerveously,

"You know were gonna talk about last night right?" Scott said sitting on the couch

"Yup!" I said quickly

"Also there's no getting out of it." "Sadly yup!" I said sitting in a chair across the room,

"So is Vincent seriously my grandfather?" I asked,

"Yes...he is, but he had a family when he was sixteen." Scott  replied
"The Fuck," I thought "damn he must've been getting it on."

"Why did you guys give me up?" I asked my voice cracking

"Your Uncle thinks I killed your other Uncles and he tried to take you from me so I thought that you'd be safer there.." Vincent said,

"SAFER!?" i snapped showing them my
"So living on the street is safer?" I began "getting raped, being hungry, turning into some mental patient, that's safer?"

"y/n I-I'm so sorry, I just..wanted you to be safe.." Vincent said, tears started rolling down my face, I was so angry and sad trying to think that it could've been worse,

"Well..I wasn't, and it doesn't look like I am now dose it?" I cried, Scott came over and hugged me

"I know what happened was bad but its gonna get better now, I hope you can forgive us.." Vincent came over to join the hug, I broke away from the hug.
"What the Hell was that?!" I thought heading upstairs, feeling my wound bleeding a little.
"The living fuck?! Just Ggggggrrr!" I thought going into the bathroom, I saw a first aid kit above the toilet and took out an eyepatch and stopped the bleeding from my wound.
"Yeah that was totally safer!" I thought heading back to my room, a sorry and a hug won't fix anything they've down for me!

Five Night High school AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now