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I woke up first smiling as I gently made my way to the bathroom.  I started the water for a a bath making sure it was hot enough.  I heard shouting on the other side of the door and I rushed out into my room.  "What?! What's wrong?!" I shouted.  Gajeel rushed into the room and hugged me tight.  "I thought you had left me again" he said crushing me into his chest.  I kissed his neck,  and wrapped my arms around him.  Then I gently kissed him.  I pulled away slightly and said "No Gajeel, I'll never leave you.  I promise.  I only wanted to get a bath started and was going to ask you if you wanted to join me."

He sighed and said "I'd like to."  I took his hand and brought him into the bathroom.  I got into the tub and waited for him to get in.  I lathered up a lufa and began to wash him.  He placed his legs against the sides of the tub to allow me to get closer so I could wash him.  We took turns washing eachother.  When we got out we dried eachother off then got dressed.  We held hands as we walked towards the guild.  We nudged eachother, pushing eachother and just plain having fun.  

When we got to the guild we were in the middle of a funny coversation.  I made a funny face as we opened the door and Gajeel started laughing startling everyone in the guild.  We were sitting at a table talking when I noticed that everyone was watching us.  "What's going on? Why are they staring at us?" I asked.  He smiled and said "Their waiting."  "Waiting for what?"I whispered. "Their waiting for this" he said and stood up.  He kneeled down on one knee, took my hand holding a plain iron band and asked "Y/N L/N will you marry me?"

I looked at him and burst into tears.  He looked stricken and said "I didn't mean to make you cry."  I launched myself at him and he caught me before almost hitting the floor.  "I'm just so happy!" I said and kissed him.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as I sat in his lap.  I pulled away and he asked "So that's a yes?"  I nodded and he slipped the ring on my finger.  Then he growled in my ear "You have a month and a half to plan our wedding.  I'm planning the honeymoon."  "Why so soon?" I asked teasingly.

"The sooner your mine the less time I have to worry about you disappering on me" he growled.  "I can do that" I said and placed a kiss on his neck.  Erza pulled me away saying "None of that until the wedding."  I laughed as all the girls immediately began to plan my wedding.  "Hold it right there.  You're forgetting one thing" I said.  "What?" Levy asked.  "My thoughts on the matter.  Ya'll can help me but I'm planning my own wedding" I said .  "Agreed" they all said and started to give me suggestions.

"When?" Lucy asked.  I took a drink and said "During the Blossom-Viewing festival, at night."  "That'll be so pretty!" Lucy shouted.  "I wouldn't know.  I haven't seen it" I said.  "What?!" all the girls shouted.  "You forget my first year I spent most of spring in bed.  Then I left, this'll be my first time seeing it." I said.  "Well if you haven't seen it, why get married during it?" Cana asked putting down the barrel she was drinking out of.

"Because while I was gone the closest thing to home I had were the stories told of the Rainbow Blossoms.  I had nothing to connect me to here" I said taking a drink.  "Was this before or after?" Mira asked.  "A bit of both but mostly after" I answered.  "After what?" Erza asked.  "I lost the baby" I answered softly.  "You were?" Lucy began and I nodded.  "I wasn't very far along, and if I had've known I would've stayed" I said looking at Gajeel.  "Does Gajeel know?" Levy asked.  "Yes, he knows" I said.  I shook off the black mood and said "Don't we have a wedding to plan?"  "And a honeymoon" Levy added.

"Actually Gajeel's planning the honeymoon" I said and they all stared at me.  When we planned all we could we got up.  I walked towards Gajeel and the guys gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "I'll be staying with Lucy until the wedding.  I wish I knew where my bags were."  I saw Gajeel turn a light shade of pink and I said "Gajeel what did you do?"  The guys around him laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck.  "I have them in my room" he admitted. 

"You had them all along?!" I shouted.  "Yes" he said.  "You knew I needed those.  Especially when I was wearing Lucy's clothes.  I was so uncomfortable" I growled.  He stood up and lifted up my head.  "I am sorry.  I thought if you wore youre clothes it'd be harder on your wounds than wearing Lucy's.  Even though I will admit that I liked the outfit on you" he said.  I glared at him and said "Where are my clothes you barbarian." "You are so lucky that your staying at Lucy's or I'd show you just how much of a barbarian I am" he growled.  "Where are my clothes?" I asked again.

"In my room" he said.  "And where's that?" I asked.  "Where I found you taking a shower" he said.  "I thought it was Mira's room" I said.  "Who the hell told you that?" he asked.  "Mira" I said and headed towards the stairs.  I went into his room and saw my bags.  I grabbed them and left the room.  I walked towards Lucy when somebody stepped in front of me.  I looked up and saw Gajeel there.  "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.  "Whith Lucy" I said.  "Not without kissing me goodbye first" he said.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.  He grabbed my arms and said "A proper kiss."  I gave him a kiss on the mouth. Suddenly I was ripped out of his arms and was dragged, bags and all towards the guild doors.  I was dragged towards Lucy's appartment where Lucy immediately let me go and unlocked her door.

"Welcome to my home" she said and walked in.  I smiled at it and knew that I was going to enjoy rooming with her.

~*couple of days later*~

I was losing my mind.  I literally had nothing to do.  Lucy was helping Virgo deciding on my wedding dress.  Erza was planning my cake, Cana was handeling the drinks and food.  Mira and Levy were picking the decorations all doing this after asked what my dream wedding was.  So I was left with nothing to do.  Since the girls decided that I couldn't go to the guild.  They had placed me under house arrest to keep me here until the wedding. 

Then suddenly I came up with an idea and left Lucy's apartment without anyone noticing.  I went to all the metal stores I could find looking for a chunk of pure iron.  I finally found the right chunk and paid for it.  As I rushed back towards Lucy's apartment I passed a litttle clothing store.  I stopped and walked in.  I was looking through the clothes when I saw a female worker there.  "Um excuse me" I said.

"Yes how may I help you?" she asked with a smile.  "I'm getting married in a few days and I was wondering if you sold well um um" I said.  "Things for the wedding night?" she asked with a wink.  "Well yes" I said blushing.  She looked aroud then said "Follow me." I followed her to the back room and my eyes widened at all the lingerie she showed me.  "Now when your done bring it to the front, and since you're getting married I'll give you a great deal" she said with a wink and left me to look on my own.  

There was so many that I didn't know where to start looking.  Finally I found what I was looking for and grabbed it.  She rung them up and said "150 jewels."  I paid and took my bags and quickly head back towards Lucy's.  I snuck back in only to realize that the girls were waiting for me.  "Where were you?" asked Mira, and Lucy asked "What's in the bags Y/N?"  "Well um I-I I had nothing to do so I went out to get some iron to make something, and on my way back I saw this clothes shop and got some.....clothes for the honeymoon" I said.

"What type of clothes?" Cana asked.  "Um well it's a surprise for Gajeel" I said blushing.  They took one look at my face and left it alone.  "What's with the iron?" Levy asked.  "I was going to make Gajeel's wedding ring" I said looking at my feet.  "That's a good idea" Erza said.  During the next few days I worked on Gajeels ring.

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