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OTP~ Adrinette

Words~ 922

You might hate me for this chapter...WHOOPS


Marinette's P.O.V.

I was in the hospital again, my lungs were getting filled with water, I couldn't breathe. I had a tube pumping out the water from my lungs. They said I could go back home in 2 weeks. Alya was with me, my parents had to go back to the bakery. Alya was the only one keeping me company, sure I had a few visits from Rose and Mylene, but Alya was always here. Before school, During lunch, and After school. She'll give me notes and tell me what the class was about. She'll also tell me about Adrien.

"Girl, everyone's been worrying about you, especially Adrien. He hasn't stopped asking about you. He told me to bring you this." Alya said with a smirk.

It was an envelope. I sat up on the hospital bed and opened it. There was a note inside.

It read,

Dear Marinette,

I've been meaning to come and visit you, but I don't have the time. I hope you get better. I've also been meaning to ask you for a movie or dinner, but I don't have the courage. Anyway, I'll come visit you when I have the chance.

~Love Adrien

I had a smile on my face, this was the best thing that has happened ever since I entered the hospital. I can't wait to leave this place, I'm starting to get used to their flavorless whole grain food.

"What did it say?" Alya asked

"Adrien asked me out!" I screamed.

*time skip brought to you by a lazy author*

After Alya left the nurse came in to inject me with my daily anti-biotics. There was a light knocking on the door, the nurse went and opened the door. It was Adrien.

"Alright Marinette, you're lungs are getting better by the minute. You might be able to leave by the end of this week." The nurse smiled and left me and Adrien alone.

He had brought me flowers.

"did you get my note?" he said

I felt my cheeks get hot just remembering what it said.


"so, would you like to go out sometime?" he smiled.

"absolutely" I smiled back.

He stayed with me for a while, talking about whatever came to our minds. He held my hand as we talked, it was cute. He made me laugh and smile. He made me forget that I was dying. When he left he kissed my forehead and I fell asleep happy that night.

*another time skip to when Marinette leaves the hospital*

I had a ventilator, meaning, I had breathing tubes. Since I can't breathe on my own anymore. My health is getting worse and worse, but I'm going to make the best of it, because today was the day Adrien was taking me on our date. He was spending the whole day with me.

I was in my room, getting ready. I had black high waist jeans and a red shirt with black flats. Nothing too fancy.

"Marinette, Adrien's here!" I heard my mom yell.

"Coming!" I said.

I headed downstairs and Adrien was getting along with my parents.  When I reached the last step I said goodbye to my parents and headed to my date with Adrien.

"So I was thinking, we can go to the movies and then lunch?" He said.

"Sure" I smiled

We headed to the movies, of course Adrien being the gentleman he is, paid for everything. Making me feel a little bad.

**another time skip to the end of the date because I have writers block**

Adrien was walking me home, it was close to midnight. After the movie we went out to eat and then I stayed in his house for a while. He held my hand and we talked. When we reached the front of the bakery he kissed me, then he pulled away, said goodbye and left. Leaving me to think about what just happened. I opened the bakery door and headed to my room. I laid down on my bed, I was tired but I couldn't fall asleep. The thing keeping me up was the excitement of seeing Adrien in school tomorrow. Then I got a text from Adrien.

'Goodnight Mari, hoped you liked our date today. Xoxo ~Adrien'

I smiled, it was just what I needed. Now I could fall asleep in peace. Or so I thought. I couldn't breathe around 3 in the morning. I gasped for air and nothing came through. I was rushed to the hospital. Doctors were surrounding me and injecting me with needles. I was hooked up to several machines. My parents had to wait in the waiting room. I hated that my lungs didn't work, I hated seeing my parents cry or so worried about me. It felt like I was holding them back.

While they were injecting me and trying to stop water from coming into my lungs, my eyes started to get heavy. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over. I had lost control over my body, my heartbeat started to fade. I could hear what the doctors were saying.

"We're losing her!"

I could hear my mom crying.

"Get the defibrillator!"

I could hear someone calling my name. It sounded like Adrien. But, I couldn't reply, or move. I was dying.


A shock went through my body, I felt the pain. But it didn't do the job. My hearing was starting to fade. Then it went silent.

I was dead.


Sorry for the depressing chapter.

Go ahead and hate me

Au Revour~

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