Chapter 8: Famous DJ

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After my little crying session, Jayden and I just laid there in each other's arms. I couldn't help but feel this was right. You know, me being in his arms and him in mine. It made me feel safe. It made me forget my past and welcome the future. So that was what I was gonna do. Wish my past good luck in Tartus. And begin a future, with my guys.


"Okay class, pay attention!" that shut us up, "I will be assigning you a project to do. You will be righting a poem or essay that expresses your feelings and your feelings only. I expect this to be very descriptive and to hold emotion. This will be due at the end of this second quarter, on December 16. Good luck and you may begin to work." My English teacher stated, sitting back in her chair.

I grinned.

I love English.

I love writing.

And my experiences will help with this essay.

Then I began.

As I wrote down the words, I began to feel stuff inside of me, sadness, hurt... anger.

In frustration I ripped the page of the book and crumpled and released a loud grunt.

"Ms. Assad, come to my desk. And bring the paper." Ms. Young said.

She looks nothing of young, I thought in my head.

I abruptly got out of my chair, walked up to her desk and handed her my destroyed essay. She took it out of my hands and opened it. She began to read.

"Ms. I understand that it's not good, that's why I crumpled it." I explained as her eyes ran over the torn paper.

She looked up at me through her glasses, "Read this to the class." She whispered. "Class! I'd like you to put your attention on DJ for a second." She said loudly.

All the students lifted their gaze on me.

I gulped.

My eyes wandered from person to person until they fell on one set of hazel ones.

He smiled at me.

And I began.

"What is life?
I don't know.

All these questions,
Still unknown.

People claim that actions speak louder than words,
or words speak louder than actions,

But, both are wrong.

I believe that they are equally loud.

People just react differently to different things.

People write words after words,
Yet truly we know nothing.

People speak in confidence about their 'beliefs,'
Yet I hear nothing.

I don't understand anything.

We say one thing but mean another.

I don't understand life,
Life does the worst things to the best of people.

I don't understand hate,
I don't understand love.

We claim that opposites attract.

What is life?
Life is all of these things.

Life is a place of solitude,
Of living.

Life is a place of love,
Of hate.

Of beginnings and endings,
Of facts and opinions.

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