Chapter 19

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I finished mucking out my stables and then went in to spend some time with Blaze - who was still impatiently awaiting the arrival of Andy our local blacksmith.

Amber's excitement had made me so happy I couldn't stop smiling. But then again - I know it's stupid, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. My mind wandered to thoughts of Connor.

Thanks to Clay's interruption the other night I hadn't managed to see Connor alone again. Although the more I thought about it the more I told myself I'd misunderstood his offer. I mean, Connor's already eighteen, and so good looking he could have any girl he wanted. So why would he be interested in me? I'm probably just another teenage girl with a doe-eyed crush. Urgh - I guess that means Tiffany and I have something in common.

When he asked me the other night it was probably just out of friendship. Maybe he even meant a few of us should go - like a group stables night out. It's not like he's tried to catch me on my own since it happened.

But then again, he has been really nice to me since I got here. And he tried to give me a compliment about looking better witho...

'Hey Jenna.'

The voice of the man himself, cutting in while I was mid thought, made me leap out of my skin. I would have fallen flat on my face if I hadn't managed to reach out and grab onto Blaze's haynet.

'Oh, hi Connor.' I blushed furiously because of the fact I'd just been thinking about him. Nervously I kept my eyes down and busied myself untangling a mass of knots in Blaze's long, thick mane. Connor leaned his arms across the stable door and scratched affectionately at Blaze's nose.

'So, you're a dab hand at match making now as well.' He grinned at me. 'Shall we add that to the long list of things you're a natural at?'

'Couldn't have gone better even if I do say so myself.' I replied smugly, making Connor laugh. My heart skipped a beat as he dropped into the most incredible flashy smile. Wow. I looked away blushing once more when I realised I was staring.

'That was like a public service you performed. Those two have been driving everyone crazy. Harry's the only thing that makes Amber shut up. Well, Harry and food anyway.'

I laughed in response but focused on my fingers as they tugged at the knot in Blaze's hair. Not that my mind was concentrating on that. It was trying to summon up the courage to grab hold of another opportunity. I'd given Amber a head start with her love life. Was I too chicken to do something about my own?

Pulling the last tangle free I skimmed the comb through one last time and then went and leaned on the stable door, looking across at the golden tanned figure on the other side.

'Connor?' I started nervously.


'You know, errr, the other day.' I tried to stay calm but was failing miserably. 'When you......kind of asked'

'When I asked you out?' He said bluntly, his lips twitching up at the corners.

I blushed at my girlish inability to speak like a human being. Taking a deep breath I finally managed to pull myself together. 'Yes. When you asked me out.' I said boldly. 'Well, what I should have said is - yes, I'd love to.'

I dragged my eyes up to find Connor grinning widely. That's got to be a good sign, right?

He reached towards me and tucked a piece of stray hair back behind my ear. My heart leapt into my mouth as his fingers brushed through my hair. He was standing so close, even with the stable door between us - was he about to kiss me???

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now