Chapter 10

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I was right, first thing next morning I swung my legs out of bed and then howled in pain as I sat upright. Daggers ran through my spine and I could barely lift my arms. I thought I'd kept myself fairly fit in the last few years but just one day of yard work had crippled me.

But I had to battle through the pain. I couldn't stay in bed all day, I'd only seize up even more. Besides there was something I had to do straight away.

I walked into the yard just as Amber was walking up from the bungalow. She stopped and smiled weakly as she spotted me. I continued to march forward unperturbed.

'Amber, I'm really sorry about yesterday.' I said getting it straight off my chest. 'I shouldn't have snapped at you.'

'No, no, I'm the one who's sorry. I was out of line pushing you like that. Dad's always saying I don't know when to shut up.' She smirked uneasily.

'Ok, so we're both sorry. Forgotten?'

'Forgotten.' She nodded enthusiastically. Together we headed for the feed room. 'So how you feeling?'

'Jeez, don't ask. I think I may be crippled for life.' We both laughed hard, despite the fact I really was in agony, but it was more important that Amber and I were friends again.

My muscles complained all morning but I did my best to ignore them and repeat yesterdays chores. A couple of older women, who had their horses stabled with us, brushed and tacked up for a morning ride. I swept the yard, trying not to startle their steeds. Although, both looked pretty bombproof and dozed happily, while their owners constantly halted preparations to have a gossip.

The weather was staying bright and warm even through it had rained through the night. The sun glistened off the morning dew on the grass and everything smelt so clean and fresh.

After lunch I helped Maggie hang out a handful of travel rugs to dry off in the sun before heading back down to the yard. I could hear someone riding in the arena as I neared the gate. The sound of heavy hooves and the odd rattle of a wooden pole told me someone was jumping.

Amber was leaning against the fencing of the arena watching. A tall lanky boy with dishevelled black hair stood next to her chatting nervously. It amazed me that he was able to get a word in edge ways, especially as he seemed nervous and fidgety. But, as I neared them, I saw the side of Amber's face and could see her red cheeks and tense chewing of her bottom lip.

'Ahh, so this is Harry.' I smiled to myself.

I was so amused watching them as I got closer that it almost escaped my attention who it was they were watching. Schooling over what was at least a five foot fence was Connor. When it finally dawned on me I ground to a halt and stared.

I'd never seen such a glorious sight. Connor was in a short sleeved black polo, his sunkissed arms shone in the bright afternoon glow, and his muscles bulged as they worked hard controlling the reins.

My eyes dropped to the horse he was on, who was just as impressive as his owner. I hadn't spent much time in the stud side of the yard but I knew Hunter was kept there just so that Connor could manage him alongside his other duties. He was a big, athletic thoroughbred, with a vibrant bright bay colouring and keen intelligent expression.

His muscles rippled beneath his glossy coat. He looked as good as any top flight event horse. His eyes gentle and kind but at the same time alive and bursting with energy. Everytime Connor turned him towards a fence, Hunter's ears snapped forward, and his eyes focused immediately, like a fox homing in on it's prey.

The two off them rode round the arena in perfect unison. Connor's transitions barely noticeable but clear enough for Hunter to instantly obey each new instruction. Connor had a gift for landing Hunter on the most perfect stride and I watched in awe as the horse bunched it's muscles and then leapt into the sky, soaring tirelessly over the obstacles.

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now