Chapter 17

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Clay's bark from the doorway echoed all the way around the small tack room.

Amber and I both ducked our heads at the sudden shout, and it took a few seconds for my ears to stop ringing. Finally I looked back at my uncle who just stood there, his face black and angry.

'You jumped what?' He asked sternly.

'Erm....the parallel in the lower field.' I uttered sheepishly. Clay's eyes burned, angrily boring into me.

'Jenna of all the stupid could have killed yourself!'

I gulped heavily, a painful lump instantly forming in my throat. I knew he was right of course. I couldn't argue back, it was reckless. I'd put my life needlessly at risk, Blaze's too.

'I'm sorry, but Tiffany....'

'Forget Tiffany. Was Tiffany the one sat on Blaz's back telling him what to do?'


'No. Precisely. It was you. Your choice to do it. No-one else's.'

'I know. I wasn't thinking straight.'

'Which only makes it worse!' He growled. 'You have to concentrate on cross country Jenna. The smallest distraction can lead to a mistake. It's not like showjumping. The poles out there don't give way.'

'I know.'

'Yes, you should. Better than most.' He winced as soon as the words were out. My mouth hung open in shock. Did he really just say that to me? For a few moments we simply stared at each other.

'Jenna...I'm sorry....I...I didn't mean...' Clay started, twitching furiously.

'Don't...' I snapped, instantly seething. I dropped my head and strode passed Clay straight out the door. Hot angry tears burning behind my eyes.


Amber and I brought the liveries in in silence. There was an uncomfortable tension in the air around the yard.

Bolting shut the last stable door I went in to check on Blaze. He'd been a nightmare trying to brush down after the ride. He was buzzing as much as I had been after that jump. But having had time to reflect on what we'd done I felt utterly stupid. It could so easily have ended with a trip to the hospital....if not worse. And though Clay's words stung me he was right. I felt like a complete idiot.

Blaze was calmer now as I watched him munching away at his haynet. I loved watching him. There was something so soothing about it.

In the short time Blaze and I had been together we'd somehow formed a bond. But more than that, he seemed to sense when something was wrong. Instead of pulling at my sleeve with his teeth or leaning his shoulder into me to push me over he sunk his head against my hand, letting me softly stroke his nose.

I sighed heavily into his warm neck. He hung his head low but then twitched, bringing it back up. I turned to see what had caught his attention. There was a purple wrapper sat on the edge of his stable door. I frowned - until Clay's head appeared, peeking round the corner.

'Peace offering?' He nodded down at the chocolate roll. 'Amber said you like these.'

'I do. Thanks.' I said taking the roll and ripping straight into the little packet. I took a huge bite, swallowing most of it in a single gulp.

Blaze's head had raised at Clay's appearance but he looked at me now - expectantly. Rolling my eyes I took a smaller bite and then held the remains of my roll flat in my palm. He wolfed it down before I'd barely moved my hand towards him. Clay chuckled softly.

'So, he cleared the parallel did he?'

I looked up, not surprised by his words, more the tone of wonder.

'Yeah. Despite me hanging around his neck.'

'I always thought he could be a little star. He just needed someone to bring it out in him.' He smiled warmly at Blaze who'd clearly sensed me relaxing and decided it was time to start chewing on my glove. I breathed easier, just happy to see Clay wasn't still mad at me.

'You feel like trying your hand at cross country then?' Clay suddenly looked me straight in the eye.


'Only...Amber may have mentioned.....'

'Don't tell me - you two are conspiring against me again.'

He laughed once more. A soft, round chuckle that made me smile. My dad used to laugh at me like that.

'Not conspiring. It's just you've come to life since getting on Blaze's back. So has he. The reason he messed around so much was because he was bored. I know you've noticed how much happier he seems now.'

'Yeah, I have.'

'Good.' He reached out and softly snaked his fingers through Blaze's forelock. 'So, how long is it till you go back to London?' He asked. I felt depressed just at the reminder that in a few weeks I'd be whisked back down south, horses out of my life once again.

'Just under four weeks.'

'And the Showcross is the Saturday before you go right?'

'Yeeessssss.' I drew out the word, suspicious at his motive for bringing up the Showcross.

'Hmm. I think that should be enough time.'

'You're not suggesting what are think you are. Are you?'

'What? Entering you in the Showcross and showing the world what natural talent looks like. No, it never crossed my mind' He winked at me slyly.

'You're mad. It's not enough time.'

'Isn't it? Jenna this time two weeks ago you hadn't even sat on a horse for nearly five years. This afternoon you cleared a four foot fence meant as an opening jump for advanced eventers.'

'Yeah...I know...but...'

'But what? If you're not ready in time we don't enter you. If you are - well, perfect. I have little doubt Blaze would relish the opportunity.'

I had little doubt in that too. After just a few days of jumping Blaze had shown a whole new attitude to life. His talent and intelligence finally being put to use.

'So? What do you think? I know you like a challenge. Shall we give it a try and really test that clever brain of his?'


Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara