Chapter 2

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As soon as dinner was over I went back to my room and sent the texting I'd been writing. Thanks to Facebook I'd reconnected with Charlize and Sophie, my best friends from school. They weren't horsey and they were thrilled I was back for the summer and wanted to meet up. I admit it's just what I'd hoped for. If they hadn't wanted to see me I don't know what I would have done for the whole six weeks.

'O.M.G.' Charlize greeted me enthusiastically the next day. She came running, or as best as she could run in the huge heeled boots she was wearing, and threw her arms around me like we were long lost sisters. She rocked me from side to side and clamped her arms so tightly I could barely breathe.

'I can't believe you're here. This is so awesome.' Sophie gushed as Charlize released me only for Sophie to then squeeze out what little breath I had left.

'Yeah it's great. I'm so glad you guys wanted to meet. There's nothing to do at the farm.' I said.

'Oh thank goodness you got the whole horsey thing out of your system.' Charlize prattled away as the two of them linked arms with me and started to lead me off down the street. 'When you texted and said you were coming home I called Soph immediately and we were like, what if she still smells of hay and that stuff you rub on the saddle.'

'Saddle soap?'

'Yeah, that's it. But then Soph said you didn't ride anymore so it was totally cool.'

'Great.' I said. Though I couldn't help feeling annoyed that they'd talked about me like that. And what's wrong with the smell of hay and saddle soap? They smell nice.

The three of us walked arm in arm and chatted easily until we rounded a corner off the high street in the middle of the busy town.

'Woah. When did they build that thing?' I stood and stared up into the sky at the giant shopping mall, which I definitely do not remember from before.

'Three years ago. It's so cool. All the best shops are here. New Look, River Island, Topshop. We come here every week.'

'Wow, really? Every week?'

Mum had gifted me fifty pounds for the summer but if we were gonna come here so often I knew that wasn't going to go far. So, we browsed and I tried on a few things but I decided to keep hold of my money until something really caught my eye. Sophie and Charlz bought me a friendship bracelet for a couple of quid but apart from that I went home on the bus empty handed.

It was odd, but I was relieved to get back to Hoxley and slump in the big squishy sofa. Maggie rocked away in her chair as she knitted something that resembled a tea cosy.

'What's that?' I asked.

'It's a coat for Rocky.'

'A coat?' I looked again at the small garment she was weaving. It couldn't be more than a few inches long. 'Who, or what is Rocky?'

'The stable cat. Poor little mite had to have an operation a couple of weeks back and he's had half his hair shaved off. I worry about him at night you know. It might be lovely during the day but it can get pretty nippy when the sun goes in.'

'Why don't you just bring him inside?'

'Because he doesn't live here. He's a wild cat. He just wandered into the stables one day and never left.'

'Hmmm.' I replied picking up a magazine and then hastily returning it to the rack when the title Horse & Hound came into view.

'So how was it with your friends dear? Did you girls have fun?'

'Yeah it was.....fine.' I twisted back on the sofa and lay flat, staring blankly up at the ceiling.

'Not what you were hoping for?' Maggie asked gently.

'I don't know what I was really hoping for. They just weren't really interested in talking about anything...well, interesting. They talked about boys I didn't know. And Soaps I don't watch. And they bought clothes that even as they paid for they admitted they may never bother wearing.'

In fact, as I lay on my back staring up I realised we didn't have anything in common anymore. It's like they were complete strangers. All they seemed interested in was shopping and gossiping. Which I enjoy in small doses, but there's got to be more than just those two things. Right? Suddenly six weeks in Yorkshire seemed like it was gonna be a real drag.

'That's a shame dear. Still, I'm sure you'll find something to amuse you. Anyway. I must get the chicken on. We're having a roast tonight.'

My stomach rumbled appreciatively just at the thought of a chicken dinner. Fresh chicken, veg, stuffing and best of all Yorkshire Puds. Mmmm. My mouth filled with saliva just thinking about it.

The doorbell chimed, interrupting my happy thoughts.

'Would you get the door please dear?' Maggie shouted from the kitchen.

'But I won't know who it is.'

'It doesn't matter, it'll just be someone from the stables. Will you let them in?'

Reluctantly I hauled myself up and opened the front door.

A short girl, with round freckled cheeks, and straw like, grubby blonde hair stood on the other side. She twirled a riding hat in one hand and a schooling whip in the other.

'Oh. Hi.' She said, smiling widely at me. 'Are you Jenna?'

'Yes.' I said shortly.

'Everyone's been talking about you.' My insides sank at hearing that. 'I'm Amber.' She gushed in an open cheerful manner. 'Amber Warner.' I stared at her, like that was supposed to mean something. 'We're cousins.' she said, clearly spotting my blank expression. 'Your Uncle Clay is my dad.'

'Oh.' I replied as I turned and walked back into the house. Cousin Amber wiped her feet on the mat inside the door and trotted up behind me.

'I heard you'd arrived. Have you been down to the stables yet?'

'No.' I said flatly while walking into the kitchen so that Maggie would take the bubbly girl off my hands. Thankfully that's exactly what she did. I picked up a copy of the Express and sat in one of the dining chairs.

'Hello Amber love.' Greeted Maggie. 'Is everything ok?'

'Hi Gramps. Yes thanks. Dad just wanted to check what time dinner is?'

My hands slammed the newspaper down harshly onto the old wooden table before my brain managed to catch up. 'What? Dinner?'

Maggie stopped the carrot peeling she was doing and looked me straight in the eye. She smiled sweetly. The kind of smile someone older always gives you before they tell you something they know you're not going to like.

'Yes dear. Amber and your Uncle Clay are having dinner with us tonight?'

'Why?' I asked, angry that know one had told me sooner. If I'd known I could have gone to Sophie's for tea.

'Because we're family Jenna. I thought it would be nice....'


'No?' She asked looking worried, making me feel guilty. But I wasn't going to back down.

'I don't want him here. No offence.' I added, turning to the wide eyed girl at the other end of the table. Amber just smiled and shrugged.

I hid in my room after Amber had gone. I knew I'd have to go down eventually. Especially as the mouth watering smell of a fresh cooked chicken was slowly filling the house. But I didn't want to.

The last time I saw my uncle was at my father's funeral. He'd flown in from New Zealand where he owned a ranch and a thousand acres of grazing land. He was nice. He was funny and caring, and I probably would get on really well with him now if I gave him the chance. There's just one problem with Clay Michaelson. He's the spitting image of my dad.

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now