I still couldn't find the words to tell her what I was doing. Now more than ever. I knew I had too. And the longer I left it the more angry she was going to be. But the fear inside me that she'd come rushing home and stop me from riding meant I never went through with my confession. It weighed on my mind but since my mind was already exhausted anyway somehow I managed to get in a decent nights sleep.


'Did you know....' Babbled Amber, reading from an article in Pony Magazine. It was Saturday morning, not that it mattered given how all the days seemed to be blurring into each other. The yard was surprisingly quiet. We'd just finished putting the liveries out and were having a quick break before getting stuck into some filthy stables. The radio buzzed away in the background, though it was easily overrawed by the sound of Blaze, who was kicking the hell out of his door, disgusted that he had a date with the farrier and therefore wasn't out in the field with his friends.

'....that nine out of ten of the UKs top riders started off in the Pony Club. And five of them also competed at HOYS in the mounted games. How cool is that.'

'Hmmm, awesome.' I said idly, too busy entranced by the write up in Horse & Hound of the Barbury Three Day Event. There was a full page picture of William Fox Pitt flying through the air on the most gorgeous bay gelding.

'Also, it says here that in a scientific study it's been proven that horses actually prefer to be scratched rather than stroked. Did you know that?'


'Are you even listening?'

'Of course. Yeah, you were...erm...talking about Harry?'

Amber cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at me.

'Sorry.' I grinned back. 'What were you saying?'

'Oh nothing. It doesn't matter'

'Speaking of Harry. I saw his mum dropping him off not so long ago. You asked him out yet?'

Amber's eyes instantly dropped back to her magazine.

'Er...no, not yet.'

As if by magic Harry suddenly appeared in the doorway, chatting away to Connor who came strolling in behind him. I don't know why but something suddenly seized me as I sensed an opportunity. Everytime I saw Harry I'd had to hold my tongue about nagging him to ask Amber out. He always seemed to get nervous around her, so pushing him openly like that would probably send him running for the hills. I had to be more subtle, and now was the perfect time.

'Hey Harry.' I greeted him warmly.

'Hiya Jen.'

'You like the cinema Harry?' I asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

'Yeah love it. There's always something good on.'

'Hmmm, I know. Amber and I were thinking of going.'

'We were?' Amber whispered next to me. I ignored her.

'We were just talking about that new Ghost Hunters film that's coming out.'

'Oh yeah? That looks so cool. I can't wait to see it.'

'Hmmm, that's what Amber said too. It's not my thing though, bit too scary for me. I feel really bad. Amber's dying to see it but she's got no-one else to go with........' I let my words hang in the air and prayed desperately Harry would take the bate.

'Oh, well I guess we could go Amber...I mean...if you want to.' He said nervously.

'Oh....erm....yeah....I mean..' Amber started to stutter, instantly flustered.

I fought hard to stop myself from leaping in the air and howling in triumph. I'd thrown out a bone and Harry had latched onto it like a starved puppy. Come on you two, you're so close, now go for it.

But they suddenly seemed to clam up, both staring wildly around the room, looking everywhere - except at each other. I think they were a little self conscious that they weren't alone. But that could easily be remedied. I rolled my eyes at Connor. He was trying his best to keep a straight face, he understood exactly what I was up to.

'Oh, I forgot to change the water in Blaze's stable. I better go sort it. Catch you guys later.' I said lightly.

'Yeah, I better get on too, lot's to do.' I heard Connor say before following me out. Amber and Harry were left alone - if they couldn't arrange a date now they never would.

I hastily started mucking out a couple of the stables nearest the entrance to the common room. Despite giving them some space I was dying to know what was going on. There's no way Amber would be able to keep it to herself once she appeared. After about ten minutes Harry wandered out, hat in hand, ready for his lesson with Clay. I think he looked happy. It's hard to tell under that mass of hair.

As soon as he vanished round the corner I turned back to see Amber dancing out of the door. She spotted me instantly and raced over like it was a life or death situation. I smiled, clearly it had gone well. I opened my mouth to ask but didn't get chance as she threw herself against me and hugged me until both our faces started to turn blue.

'You're a genius, oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you....'

'Ok, great...' I beamed back. 'Perhaps you can thank me without breaking my hands.' She was squeezing them so tightly the skin was starting to turn purple.

'Oh sorry...but...just...oh my god.'

'So what did he say?' I asked eagerly.

'I can't talk...oh my god...I can't talk...this is the best thing ever....woohoooooo!!!!!' She danced away from me and charged off round the yard before finally disappearing towards the house.

Wow, that went even better than expected.

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu