Her Lost Identity [4] ~ Ohio sucks!

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A/N: Hey guys! I love you all for commenting on this story, thanks for all your positive feedback. Here goes nothing!

Chapter 4

I woke up as the airplane came to a halt. I looked around to see everyone’s faces filled with joy, little kids bouncing about screaming with excitement. My face expression stayed blank, emotionless. Why were they so excited? There’s nothing in Ohio. Not for me, anyway. Everyone came to their feet, reaching for their hand luggage from the shelves above. I managed to stand, despite how much I wanted to go back to California, and I pulled my pink Juicy Couture hand bag. My head dived as a suitcase flew over my head. I turned around to see Nathan holding the same suitcase that almost ended my life in his hands, I shot him a death glare and all he did in return was laugh. Jess wasn’t really paying attention; she just grabbed her purse and made sure everything was still inside it.

Once we were of the plane and had our luggage, we made our way out of the airport. I looked around to see the dull old Ohio. It sucks, but that’s just my opinion. It’s not a bad place to live if you’re an adult, its quiet and it’s not likely for your children to produce bad habits, such as drugs and knife crime. It’s not at all tailor-made for the young profession. As I said, it sucks. The weather here is too much, it’s overly hot. It’s hotter than your everyday summer hot. It’s more humid, if anything. I wasn’t sure on how we were getting home as I hadn’t spoken to Nathan. Nathan led us to the car park and made his way over to a car. I bit my lip in appreciation, cars were so much better than public transport. Jessica and I trailed behind Nathan and over to the car.

Inside the car, sat a brunette lady, someone who looked very familiar. She saw me and her eyes lit up as if they were stars in the sky, just like Nathan’s. That’s when it came to mind, it was Loral, Nathan’s mum. A smile tugged the side of my mouth as she hopped out the car and ran over to hug me. She wrapped her arms around me, ever so tightly. I was lost in her sweet scent, a scent that I could never forget. Tears began to form in my eyes as the memories came flooding back. Loral was like a mum to me, a better one than my mum could ever be. Loral used to buy me things, from clothes to sweets. She would braid my hair every week. She was the one that actually sat down with me and talked to me about lady things... I'd be lost without her.

She soon let go of me and jumped back in to her car. Nathan had already got in the car, and put our luggage in the boot. Jessica stood awkwardly by the door and waited for me to get in first, as I did so, she followed my lead and crept in. Loral started playing her music in the car, bopping her head, as you would do if you were really in to a song. Inside, I chuckled. I didn’t want to seem rude, but it was surely a funny sight.


When we arrived in Dayton, my home town, I recognised all the houses I used to pass on my way to school. I could remember that long, long walk to school with Nathan. We passed the crazy lady’s house also; she had approximately ten cats before she died. Nathan and I used to feed them as we passed; they always looked like they weren’t being fed. Nathan noticed me gazing and laughing to myself about all my memories here. He reached from his seat and nudged my right leg. I looked up at him to see him grinning like an idiot; he knew exactly what I was thinking about. I felt a smile tug on the corner of my lips, those were pretty good times.

Soon after, we arrived at my house. It looked exactly the same from when I last saw it; the wooden door still had a broken door knob. My bedroom window still smashed from the time Vincent snuck in at the middle of the night. Surely she would have gotten a chance to fix this up. Maybe ever since he died she couldn’t cope with herself. That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? I’m here because he can’t be. He’s dead. Thanks that he is too. I shook all my thoughts away as Loral opened the door to the car; I stepped out and walked over to my door. Nervously, I cleared my throat and knocked the door. Was this really the right thing to do?  No. It wasn’t. This was definitely not what I wanted to do. Just as I was about to turn away from the door, it creaked open and a head appeared from behind it. There she stood, my mum. With my face blank, I walked past her and in to the house, looking around at everything inside. Everything on the inside was also the same from when I left. The walls were still damp, the carpet job, still half done. How was she living like this? I felt embarrassed. I had brought a friend with me and now she knows I came from this.

“Lilian?” a woman’s voice called. I turned around to face my mum. Her hands were shaking as if she was an old woman in fear, although no fear whatsoever sat in her eyes. Her piercing baby blue eyes, the ones like mine. I felt my eyes fill with tears as she, my mum, held my face within her palm. My heart shuddered inside me as I thought of that day, in that room with the grey walls and the lonely white door. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry, forgive me!” she begged, now hugging me as a whole. Tears passed her cheeks like a marathon, she looked a mess. I held back the tears; I was going to be the strong one here. I pulled her off of me and plastered a smile on to my face. There was one thing I wasn’t going to do, and that was forgive her.

“Come on, Jess. I’ll show you to my room,” I told her, bringing her up the wooden creaky stairs. Once we were up there, we sat on my bed. It was the same as I had left it, my white sheets and my white rug that I got as a pass me down from Loral. My blue wardrobe in the corner of my room, looking as empty as it always had. I was embarrassed, but I knew in my heart, I had to face the facts. “I know this isn’t at all like my room in Cali, but it’s where we’ll be staying.”

“Cass, don’t worry about it. If this is where you come from, I respect that. I’m sorry about being a brat about the whole shopping thing, and the whole storming out thing,” she apologised. I felt relieved she had, too. I know that Jessica isn’t one to hold grudges against people but I wasn’t sure how she would handle this, and I’m glad it wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. “Even if there isn’t a television in here...” she added.

“Oh, shoot. Well, Loral’s house isn’t far from here, she’ll let us hang out there sometimes,” I reasoned, smiling at Jessica. Then I heard the door creak open. I turned around to see Nathan in my doorway.

“Uh, Lilian, I’m sorry about earlier. It’s just, I miss you. As you, I mean Lilian. You’re gonna be here for a while and I don’t want us to be enemies for the whole time you’re here. Oh, and sorry for nearly killing you today,” he apologised whilst walking over to me. He shot me an apologetic smile and gave me a hug as Jess just sat there, awkwardly. “Tomorrow, I have band practice. Do you wanna come?”

“Band practice? That sounds awesome!” Jessica interrupted; I rolled my eyes at her because I knew exactly what was going through her mind. She thought any boy in a band were hot.

“Uh, yeah... That sounds nice,” I agreed, smiling at Nathan. I was glad Nathan and I was on good terms now, I hated being angry with him, even four years ago. Nathan made his way out of my room and Jessica, being Jessica squealed:

“He’s so hot!” 


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