Chapter 9: Head to school with Mami

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The sun had risen again, meaning another new day, another day of school, but with a twist. The twist being that I had slept in Mami's house, not mine. I didn't hear my mom banging in on my door and shouting at the top of her lungs, "WAKE UP!!!" Instead, I got, "Time to wake up, (Y/N)." From Mami, in a peaceful tone of voice, with also a gentle pat on the head. So I opened my eyes to Mami, all ready for school in his uniform and looking ready for another day. And then there is me who just woke up with a tired and dead look. But that will soon change when I feel like getting out of Mami's comfortable bed. It's like sleeping on a marshmallow's or a castle of a pillow's. I just can't leave, and I never want to leave, but it does feel less comfortable from last night. I wonder why...MAMI WAS HUGGING ME LAST NIGHT!!! AND...AND HE SAID MY NAME IN HIS SLEEP!!!

Saying that in my head, I got out of his bed, grabbed my uniform and rushed into the bathroom, where I slammed the door shut. I was supposed to get ready for school, but I didn't. Instead, I thought of the events of last night with the hugging, saying my name and realizing I have a crush on Mami. Also, he may have a crush on me. If that is true, I won't mind it. He would be the first boy who has a crush on me, but I might be wrong. Maybe this is how he treats other girls? I don't know and to be honest, I don't want to know the answer. Knowing the answer may make me happy or sad, so it's better not knowing and do anything relating to this issue. What I should be doing is getting changed into my uniform.

I open the door to see Mami putting breakfast on his table. I see he has made toast with butter on the side and made a fresh pot of tea. "Oh, (Y/N)," he soon notices, "I made you some breakfast. Come and join me." I go to take a sit with him feeling a bit embarrassed and anxiety. "Sorry for not making a creative breakfast." He said, pouring tea into my mug. I take a sip to find it is (favorite flavor of tea), the best type of tea in the world. Then I took a bite from the toast to find it was perfectly made. "Mami," I said in amazement, "I don't mind if this isn't creative, but this has amazing taste!" I saw this face light up with happiness. Oh, thank you." He said with his cheeks going a bit red, so cute!

"I thank you for the compliment," he said, grabbing both of my hand. "But there something I want to talk about." What could that be? "About last night," oh god! "I just want to say, I...I..." Is he is struggling to say something? I think I know what he is trying to say. My heart began to beat rapidly. "I-Oh would you look at the time! (Y/N), we are going to miss the train." He let go of my hands and went to grab our bags. "Alright, time to go to school." He gave me my bag and put his shoes on. I guess, I need to wait to find out what he was going to say. So I get up, put my shoes and walk out of his apartment. Locking up his apartment, and we soon head to the train station, where I decided to hold his hand. I had seen his cheeks go a bit redder. Why is he so cute?

For the whole way to school, Mami never let go of my hand, even when we were surrounded by his jealous fangirls. They all gave me the death stare or the "I'm going to kill you" stare. I wasn't scared of them because I was with Mami. Whenever I am near him, I feel safe. For example, yesterday when we were in the labyrinth. Yes, I was scared, but when with Mami, I was calm knowing he would protect me, Madoka and Sayaka from danger.

'His job is to protect to everyone, (Y/N).' Your-wait a minute. I can recognize that voice. 'Turn around to find out the answer.' I look behind to find Kyubey, Madoka, and Sayaka giggling at us. "You two are so cute together, both of you should be a couple, it's a perfect match made, so when's the next date?" Sayaka said, with Kyubey and Madoka giggling. I was about to hit Sayaka in the face, but, "Don't worry, (Y/N). I got this." Mami whispered in my ear. "Alright everyone, I think that's enough time messing with (Y/N). So for today, can you not mess with her?" He asked them kindly. They replied by apologizing and swearing that they won't do did again. 'I won't stop messing with all of you. It is fun.' Kyubey said, but why? I find it rule, but that's Kyubey weird form of entertainment. Kyubey can be creepy sometimes, but also can be cute. At least he's not creepy then the boy from last night. He was so creepy and weird that I am scared if he will show up again. I don't even know who he is? He could be anyone, even Kyubey, actually no because I don't know if Kyubey can transform into a human? Plus, I don't Kyubey has any feels for me. So, cross him off the list of the thousands of people. Now the plot thickens of who could be the unknown boy-"Um, (Y/N), your zoning out again." I hear Madoka whisper to me. I realized, I am in my math's class, not outside. I zoned out again. Is it now my new routine to zone out a one point of the day?

When getting back to reality, the school day was finished once again. I joined Mami, Kyubey, Madoka, and Sayaka to go to witch hunting, but today was different. Were we hunting something called a witch's familiar? "Familiar is split off from a witch. So it doesn't leave a grief seed." Said Kyubey, but Sayaka felt pointless killing them if they don't drop anything. "If we don't kill them, they will soon become witch's themselves," Mami said. "So then we need to kill before they change. Is that understood?" The three us of said "Yes" and finding there is more than just killing witches. Being a puella magi just got harder. Oh, that just reminded me! "Have any of you guys thought of your wish yet?" I asked them all. "Not yet..." Sayaka said. "Me, neither...What about you (Y/N)?" Madoka asked me. "Don't know, I was just wondering if you guys, already have one, so I might get an idea?" I said in response. "Speaking about wishes, what was your wish, Mami?" I had asked him, but suddenly he was frozen. "It's fine if you don't want to say it! Just pretend I didn't say that." I said nervously. Why did I ask him that? That was so dumb.

"Umm, Mami! Do our wishes need to be to about us?" Sayaka suddenly asked. His question had made the four of us confused. "What do you mean, Sayaka?" Mami asked. "Just imagine this situation, if there is someone in a horrible state of condition, could I wish for them?" Sayaka's question had made me think that maybe I don't need to waste it on me. I could use for my loved ones or people in need. But to know if I can use, I need to hear what Mami says. "It is possible," yes! "But I won't recommend it." Huh? "Do you want someone's dream to come true? Or do you just want to make them indebted to you for making their wish come true?" Mami said. I should support Sayaka, but I can't. The reason is, "Mami is right..." I said, drawing attention to me. "You need to consider what you want out of this wish." Everyone just stood still and didn't say anything. 'I think you need to continue talking, (Y/N).' Kyubey said. I was about to, but Mami pulled me close to him, hugging me and taking the spotlight. "Forgive us for being harsh. But if you make a mistake now..." He had stopped his sentence and looked at me. "You may regret later on..." I said, finishing the sentence. "You're both right. Sorry for being too naive." Sayaka apologizes, with Madoka signing of relief, as did I. Thankfully there was no major fight; everything got sorted with a good ending. Well, not everything.

When Mami and I said our farewells to Madoka, Kyubey, and Sayaka. We were holding hands and walked to the train station, but when walking, Mami let go of my hand, stopped, looked down and had a sad face. I asked him, "What wrong?" The response, "A few years ago." What? "My family and I, we were going for a drive. Suddenly, we had got caught in this major traffic accident." I hear about this accident on the news, but how did he survive that? There were burning vehicles everywhere. How did he escape without any three-degree burns and not dying? 'Can you please let me finish?' Mami said stopping my mind getting side track. "There, I met Kyubey." That's how they met. "I'm guessing, he asked you to make a contract with him?" I asked him, lifting up his head with my hands. "Yes. I wished him to save me." He said, grabbing my left hand and staring straight into my eyes. "I had no time to think about it. If I did, I would probably die there." He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. "Mami," I said leaning my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beating quickly, "why are you telling me this?" He began to hold me tighter. "You have a choice to think about your wish. Please choose carefully, since I didn't even get a chase." He said. I now see why he didn't recommend Sayaka wishing now and to think instead. It makes perfect sense. "Don't worry, Mami," I said, letting go of the hug and holding his hands together. "I will promise you." His face went from sad to super, amazingly happy. He continues thanking me, repeatedly.

We come to the station, where sadly we needed to depart our ways. I got to my platform, but Mami stopped me and turned my head to face his. "Let me properly say farewell, Ms. (L/N) ~." Wait, why did he use my last name? All of a sudden, he leans his head closer to mine, making our lips all most touch each other-WAIT IS HE TRYING TO KISS ME?! I was right. I felt his soft, smooth lips on my silky lips. Soon he entered his tongue into my mouth. I tried to push him away from me, but I couldn't. I tried to avoid our tongues from touching, but I couldn't. I could feel his tongue raping around mine. He went deeper into my mouth, and so did I. I didn't want this moment to end, but Mami removed his mouth from mine. When doing that, I could see a saliva trail connecting with our months. "What a perfect goodbye kiss~," Mami said, giving another kiss but on the head. "I will see you tomorrow, Ms. (L/N)." He had left me in a rush to catch the last train on his platform.

What just happen? Did I imagine what just happen? Is this a dream? Nope, this isn't a dream because I hit myself and I didn't wake up in my bed or Mami's bed. So what just happen was real. Mami Tomoe gave me my first kiss.

Go To the Hospital-Mami

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