Chapter 8: Stay over Homura's House

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The train had stopped at our station. I woke up Homura by hitting him on the head, softly. He was up and we headed out of the train. Walking to Homura's house, which just felt like walking home, just a bit shorter. I saw him looking really sleepy then he was on the train, so I deiced to help him. I came closer to him, grabbing him and putting him on my back. "(Y/N)?" I hear him say, lying his head against my shoulder. "Homura, you look and sound tired," I said as he shakes his head, with me feeling his chin digging into my shoulder, "so I'm caring you until we reach your house!" Thankfully, it's not a long walk. So I began to carry Homura, who wasn't that heavy than I thought. Seriously, I think I could of hold him on both of my shoulders, but I not going to risk us from falling since I have horrible balance. We arrived at Homura's house with me slowly and gently putting him down. "Thanks for carrying me, (Y/N)." He patted my head, opened the door and we both head inside.

Once I was in, I saw these plans all over this one wall. I was about to ask Homura, but he began to collapse. I catch him before he hit the floor. He was snoring very loudly. Meaning, in no condition is he able to look after me. So, I put him on my shoulder again and placed him on one of his many of conchs he has. I looked at him again sleeping so peacefully. He begins to crawl into a ball and mumbles something. I go closer to his mouth to hear what he is saying. "(Y/N)," he said my name! "I...I..." I what?!

"I love-" "That's enough of that." Suddenly I felt someone covering my ears with their hands, and pulling me away from Homura. I looked up to see this boy with pink eyes and short white hair, who looked around my and Homura's age. He pulled my face closer to his. My frighten eyes met his evilness and horrifying eyes. I pushed away from him and run to Homura, trying to wake him up. I tried shaking him, but he didn't react. "That won't work. My darling~." I could feel him saying that over my shoulder. His breath felt like a cold breeze as if I was in the North Pole. I turned around to attack him, but he disappeared. I looked around to see where he is, with me breathing heavy and my heart beating quickly. There was no site of him. Was I imaging it? "That was weird." I signed of relief, slowing down my breathing and my heart beat went to normal. I sat there of awhile thinking about how that boy looked kind of like Kyubey if it was human? Come to think of it, wouldn't Homura know about him appearing out of nowhere? Maybe he was too tired to react. Anyway, I should get dinner ready now. So I get up and look for his kitchen.

"I've got you now little mouse~." I quickly turn to the voice to see again the boy. Before punching him in the face, he pushes me down on another of Homura's couch. He grabs my hands tightly and I soon feel like they been tied up. He releases my hands and I look to see they have been tied up with a rope. Same with my legs. "Wh-What the hell?!" I shouted, trying to rip the rope apart. "Calm down, my darling~." He said in a calm voice, stroking my left check. "How about I give you kisses to calm you down." He put his cold lips onto my neck. Kissing my neck up and down, slowly. Soon I could feel his soft, cold hand going under my shirt. "STOP!!!" I screamed, trying to get Homura attention.

*Bang* Soon I heard this loud gun being shout. I felt little drops of blood go on my face, as if it was rain. I see the boy has been shot in the head. His whole body was shaking, looking like he was about to collapse. I look at Homura, finding him wide awake, sitting up, having a fired gun in his hand, and a furious look. "Get your disgusting hands off of her!" I hear Homura shout angrily. The boy click his fingers, making the rope disappear. I first knee him in the stomach for touching me in the wrong places, and run to Homura. He grads me and pulls me closer to his chest. I look at his eye to flames in them. "Now," he said beginning to pull the trigger, "get out of here. Make sure both of us never see your face an again! Do you understand me?!" The boy nodded back at us and disappearing into thin air.

Homura sign of relief, dropped his gun onto the floor and gave a tight hug. "I'm glad you are fine." He said, rubbing his head on my shoulder. I began to pat his head, slowly. "I'm sorry for not saving you early. I should have done it early, than you wouldn't have been attacked." He began to hold me tighter and soon begin to cry. I release us from the hug and wipe off his tears. "Don't cry, Homura. I am safe now, because of you. You're my hero!" I gave him hug causing us to fall onto the couch. "Ouch! My stomach." He said in pain. I quickly and repeatedly apologizing for what I did, but instead of being angry or mad, he just laughs. "Your so cute, (Y/N) ~." He stroked my check and wiped off the blood. "How about you have a shower and I'll cook dinner?" Homura got out of the hug and got up, but soon began to fall down. I quickly went to him and catch him. "How about you sleep and I make dinner?" I put him down again onto the couch. "Nooooo-" "Yesssss." I interrupted him. So he went back to sleep, while I went off to make dinner. Hope he's fine with spaghetti.

I started cooking dinner, but there were some things on my mind. The first being, what those plans were on the wall? Second, who and what was that boy? Third, what did Homura say before the boy attacked me? And finally, will Homura like my cooking? Two of those question were answered at dinner time. Homura and I were at the table, eating the spaghetti. Homura was complementing my brilliant dish and my cooking skills and told me those plans are a way to kill that huge witch in my dream. But, he didn't know or didn't respond the other two question? He might answer them later on.

"I've study lot on that witch," he put down his fork and went to me, grabbing my hand, "but now since I have you on my side. I definitely know that we and the other boys can finally stop it and Kyubey's evil, once and of all." His face was filled with excitement. I nodded back at him with the same feeling excitement. After dinner, Homura and I both had a bath, at different times and got change into clean cloths.

We soon headed to bed, where Homura had told me, "We will be sleeping in the same bed." Great. I hopped on the bed, with him turning off the lights and soon joining me. We both cover yourselves with the sheet, closed your eyes and went to sleep. I would say that if it happen, but no. Instead, Homura grabbed me, pulling me closer to his chest. Did I hate it? No, I actually enjoyed it. I love seeing his cute and cuddly side than his mean one. It shows that he is a brilliant person. I only wish that the others could see this side of him. Sadly, they never will if they keep ignoring and seeing us as the threat! Hopefully soon that will change. It may be tomorrow, because I feel like something going to change tomorrow. Hopefully I will be a great change.

One more question I am wondering about is, what was Homura like before he made a contract with Kyubey. I think he is really sweet and kind. Anyway, I hope Homura has a great sleep, same with me. Also having a beautiful dream of the future and what it holds for both of us.

Head to school with Homura

Magica Love (Male!Madoka Magica x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now