Chapter 8: Stay over Sayaka's House

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"Sayaka!" I shouted to get his attention. "What is it, (Y/N)?" Sayaka asked. "You see, I can't catch my train home and my parents can't pick me up at the station. Could I go over to your house? Just until my parents come and pick me up." I asked him, hopefully hearing a yes from him. "Of course you, but under one circumstance!" He replied. "You must cook me something!" That's it. That shouldn't be hard. I'll be able to do that before my parents come. "It's a deal." I grabbed and shake his hand. "Alright! Follow me and let's go." We walked to Sayaka's platform and topped on the train. After that, we arrived at Sayaka's house, and this will be the first time I'll see his house and his parents. I'm so excited! 'Doing this will get you closer to Sayaka.' Kyubey added. Not funny, Kyubey!

"This is taking longer than I thought. I think my body is about to die." I stopped walking to catch my breath. He lives really far away from the station. "Come on, (Y/N)! Kyubey said. We need to keep moving." He was biting my clothes and trying to drag me. Sayaka came closer to me. "Have a drink, it might help you." He said, giving a bottle of water "Thank you." I grabbed the bottle and drank half of the water. I felt really refresh after that. I gave back the bottle to Sayaka, where he finish the bottle. I got up, but I felt pain throughout my legs. "Maybe this will definitely help." He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up. He told me to hold the bags or put them on my stomach since it would be hard for him to carry them. Kyubey jumped on Sayaka shoulder because he didn't want to put more wait on him.

The rest of the way, I was carried like a princess saved by a brave prince. We arrived at his house, letting me down slowly. I gave his bag back to him and Kyubey went back on my shoulder. We went into the house, with Sayaka quickly going on the couch. He did carry me and our bags, I won't be surprised if he was tired. Kyubey went on Sayaka stomach. You're so like a cat. 'Did the ears and face, give you a hint?' it replied back in a sassy tone. What a rude thing. I drop my bag and went to get Sayaka a drink. "Here's my thank you gift for carrying me." I passed him a glass of water. I went to cook him a treat, but before I do that, I need to call my parents. "Hi mom, it's (Y/N). I was wondering if you could pick me up from Sayaka house. Sadly I couldn't get a train home." I told her. "Sorry sweety, I can't nor can your father pick you up." What? "You see, we're both attending this business dinner tonight. It will finish really late and you need your sleep, so we can't pick you to put." Mom said. She should have told me early in this morning. "I then stay at Sayaka house tonight. Well, I hope you enjoy your dinner tonight. Bye, mom." I hung up the phone, going to Sayaka to tell him the news.

"Sayaka, I got good news and bad news to tell you," I said. "Is the good news that you'll be staying with us?" An unknown voice said. I looked at the couch, finding a white hair boy in a white uniform, looking around my age, floating over Sayaka, where Kyubey was. "WH-Who the heck are you!? And, what the hell did you do to Kyubey!?" I stepped nervously away from him. "Shh, you'll wake up Sayaka. Oh, who I'm I kidding, he won't wake up. I put a sleeping spell on him, so you and I can enjoy our alone time. My darling~." He said, coming all a sudden, closer to me. What the hell does he mean by darling!? He lifted up my chin, putting his lips onto mine. I moved my hand away from him and I run away, but he kept coming out of nowhere.

"I think that's enough time playing cat and mouse." I suddenly felt him grabbing my hands and pushed me against the wall. I felt his smooth lips going up and down my neck. His lips came closer and closer to my lips. I kicked him in the stomach, making him let go of me. I quickly went to Sayaka, yelling, "Kyubey!" to know where he is. Sadly, there was no response. I got to Sayaka, who was still asleep. "Stop touching him!" I looked behind to see the boy again. He pushed me to the ground, holding my hands and putting my legs asleep with one of his spells. "Stop-." He covered my mouth, with his hand. "Stop talking. Now, remember what I said you cannot go to any other boys. Only me." Does he think I'm dating him or Sayaka? I'm so confused about what he's talking about?

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asked, taking his hand off of my mouth. "I'm sorry, but didn't the running away and kicking you in the stomach, not give you a hint!? I yelled in anger. "I see..." He said, walking away from me. I suddenly felt my legs were wake again. "There, your legs should be fine now. Sayaka will wake up really soon." He said, clicking his fingers. "Two more things." What else is there? "You won't be able to tell anyone about me. I put a spell on you, so whenever you mention me, your mouth will be shut. The last thing is, you're the only one who can see me and hear me." What the hell is this guy? Whose is he even? "Farewell, my darling~." He said, vanishing into thin air. I was shocked to what I just saw and happened.

"(Y/N), is everything alright?" I heard Sayaka say. I looked at him, sitting up, with Kyubey right next him. Was Kyubey, always there? "(Y/N)." Sayaka said my name again. "Oh, I'm fine," I said, getting back in the real world. "So are we getting picked up? Or we staying with Sayaka?" Kyubey asked me. I told both of them the situation with me staying over Sayaka house, which in the end, his was fine with. Looks like I'll be making dinner tonight. Before I started cooking, Sayaka said to me, "My parents are on a business, so it will be the three of us." It seems I'll being making, 3 plates of food tonight.

I told Sayaka and Kyubey, dinner was ready. Sayaka took a sit at the table. While Kyubey, took a sit on the table. I gave them a plate of (F/F), to each of them. We all began to eat. "Wow! (Y/N), this food is amazing!" Sayaka complimented me. "10 out of 10!" So did Kyubey. It was like I was on a cooking show. "Thank you, both of you for your compliments," I said in joy. "I think you should be my private chef, (Y/N)," Sayaka suggested. If I did become his own chief, that would mean I wake up early to cook him his meal. But then, I would spend more time with Sayaka. That would be nice. 'Did I hear something about Sayaka and you?' Kyubey echoes in my mind. "Shut up!" I shouted out loud at Kyubey, slamming my hands against the table. Sayaka looked scared at me. I felt really embarrassed, with my face going red. I quickly went back to eating and acting like it never happen.

When we all finished, Sayaka and I, both had a shower, got changed into some pajamas and head to bed. "Since you two are my guess, you two will be sleeping in my parent's room." He took us to the parent's room, which looks and felt really empty. I wonder if Sayaka does ever see his parents. "I'll be in my room." He left us and head to his bedroom. I felt bad for him, being alone in this house, not getting the affection his should be getting as a son. So I deiced to do the best thing ever. "Sayaka, would you mind if I slept with you?" I asked him. "No. I am fine to sleep alone, like always." He said in a sad tone of voice. "Please, Sayaka." I grabbed his hands and begged to him. "Fine. Just don't keep me up." He said, with his cheeks going red. "It's a deal." I went to his room, with Kyubey, following in with me.

Kyubey and I lay down on his comfortable bed and putting my head against his soft pillow. Sayaka turned off his light and closed the door. He got into the bed and pulled the sheets to cover us. Kyubey moved itself into my hand like it was a stuffed animal you hug as a child when you slept. I saw Sayaka, shaking a bit. He must be cold. I put Kyubey on top of the sheets and gave a warm hug to Sayaka. "(Y/N)! What are doing?" He said quietly. "Keeping you warm, silly." I soon felt him hugging me. "Well, I don't want you to get cold as well." He said, looking straight into my eyes. Both of your faces went red, but we didn't react by letting each other go. We both smile at each other. "You have a cute smile," Sayaka said, stroking my (H/L) (H/C) hair. "You too," I said back. Sayaka pulled me closer until our bodies were touching each other. "Good night, (Y/N)..." Sayaka said, falling to sleep. "Sweet dream." I closed my eyes.

Kyubey was right about two things, Sayaka has feelings for me, and I might have a crush on him. I hope, Sayaka and I are having a beautiful dream with each other.

Head to school with Sayaka

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