Chapter 7: Go to School-Madoka and Sayaka

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  (Y/N) POV

Opening my eyes, to a new day of school. I get up, to find Kyubey, sleeping soundly on my legs. "Kyubey, it's time to wake up." I said, pointing its check. Opening it eyes, twitching its ears and stretching, made Kyubey, the cutest thing to be alive. "Morning, (Y/N). Did you sleep well?" It asked, with me, getting changed into my uniform. "I did, in fact sleep well last night. I didn't have that nightmare. Instead, I had a dream, where I was a princess, trapped in a cage, and for some strange reason, Sayaka was there, as my hero?" I said, putting my books and pencil case in my bag. "Maybe you had that dream because you are getting feelings for him?" Kyubey suggested. My face, immediately went red of embarrassment from what Kyubey said. I was denying the fact I have feels for Sayaka and that, we're not a couple! Were just friends. "Whatever you say. Anyway, we should hurry." Kyubey is right. I grabbed my bag and put Kyubey on my shoulders, headed down stairs to have breakfast, left the house and head to the station.

At the station, Kyubey and I headed to the long exit. Hopefully, I see Madoka, Sayaka and Hitomi. Walking down the path, I saw Madoka, leaning on tree and looking like he was waiting for someone. "Good morning, Madoka!" I shouted to get his attention. "Good morning, (Y/N) and Kyubey." Madoka said, walking closer to me, with red checks on his face. "Madoka, are you feeling well?" I asked, placing my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever. "I'm fine, (Y/N). I thank you for caring for my health though." I was relief he wasn't sick. "Of course, I would care for your health, Madoka. We're friends, and friends take care of each other. Anyway, we should start walking to school." I began to walk, Kyubey told me, through that mind thing. 'I think I heard Madoka, say "Yeah, just friends." In a sad tone of voice. Why do you think he said that?' To be honest Kyubey, I don't know.

The rest of the way, Madoka and I were silent to each other. Until I heard someone, in a familiar voice, scream both of your names. We both turned, seeing Sayaka, running toward me with his arms wide open. "Gooooood morning, (Y/N) and Madoka!" Sayaka shouted, wrapping his arms round me and rubbing his head against mime, squishing Kyubey between our faces. He kept putting his weight on me, making lose my balance. Thankfully, Madoka catches us before our bodies met the ground. "Thanks for saving us, Madoka. Now Sayaka," I said, with both of us getting back up, "could you please let go of me and stop squishing Kyubey?" He let go of the hug and putting back, Kyubey on my shoulder. "Forgive me for the surprise hug, but anyway, why did you bring Kyubey to school?" He asked, with Madoka, agreeing with him. "You three, Mami and Homura are really the only ones who can see me, and no one else." As Kyubey told them, Hitomi came to us. "Let's do a test run, than." Sayaka suggested, with a grin on his face. "Morning, everyone." Hitomi said without looking surprise or shocked by Kyubey. 'Looks like the test was successful.' Kyubey said, looking all high and mighty. 'How did you do that!?' Madoka and Sayaka asked. Mami forgot to mention this, but we speak to each other, through your minds, like telepathy. Both had shocked faces. 'So...we already have powers?' Sayaka asked, looking at his hand in fear. 'Actually no, I'm the one who's doing it.' Kyubey pointed at himself.

"Why is there silence between the three of you?" Hitomi questioned us. "Ah...Hitomi" How do you tell him, there is a cute animal, allowing us to use telepathy? "Wait! Are two of you in a relationship where you don't have to speak, but communicate by looking at each other eyes? Is this forbidden love!?" After hearing that odd statement, we looked confused. "I bet its between, Madoka and (Y/N). Maybe that's why you had each other in your dreams." Hitomi recommended, with me and Madoka, denying the fact, but we did act like lovers in my dream. "No way would that happen, Hitomi." Sayaka said, in a determined voice and winking at me. "You're right, Sayaka." Madoka respond with a wink at me as well. Don't tell me, both of them have a crush on me. We only just meet yesterday and they don't know a lot about me. 'I suggest, you see what happen between those two for the rest of the day. You shouldn't make your judgement yet.' Kyubey does brings a good, shouldn't judge them. But Kyubey, since they know about the telepathy, shouldn't they hear me!? 'Don't worry, they can't hear you. I have a special one with you.' Do you have these "special" ones with anyone one else? 'No, only you.' I guess, I get the special treatment of being a magical girl, or something else.

After that instantiated, we arrived at class, Sayaka and Madoka were really using the telepathy a bit too much, but I did the same as well. 'I wonder, since Mami a senior, do you think he can hear us? The senior class aren't far away from us?' Sayaka asked. 'Don't worry, I can hear all of you loud and clear.' Mami had scared Sayaka and Madoka, they do get scared pretty easily. 'Kyubey, I just thought, is it really alright for you to come to school? Homura will know your here.' Sayaka is right about that. 'I'm here and carefully watching over you, so relax.' Mami said, making us half relieved.

The class door was slid opened, and standing there was Homura. 'Speak of the devil!' Sayaka said. Homura looked at us, and again, he was mainly forcing on me. It may because I'm the one holding Kyubey. '(Y/N) and Madoka, don't worry about it, we are safe. I don't think, Homura would attack us when at school.' Sayaka had told us. We all looked away from him, which I need to say is a bit rude. I looked back at Homura, and waved to him. He responded back with a wave as well and heads to his desk. Maybe after all, he's actually a nice guy.

Lunch had finally came. Anyway more time in class, my stomach would have died. This time Madoka was joining us for lunch at the roof top, since he didn't need to take Homura, to the nurse. After showing and eating each other lunches, Sayaka asked us a question about what our wish. Sadly, none of us thought about it and what it will be. "I guess, we should leave until it's the right time to make it come true." I had suggested, taking a sip from drink. "You really think so?" Madoka asked me. I responded with a nodded. "In the end, why were we chosen? I mean, there are so many people, who'd would exchange their life for a wish." Sayaka said, looking up at the sky. "Maybe it's fate." Madoka replied. "Maybe-" "Do you have a minute?" We all look up, seeing Homura standing in front of us. "It's you!" Sayaka quickly got up and looked like he was about to punch Homura, right in the face. "Sayaka, stop! We don't what he wants, so let's hear him out!" I grabbed Sayaka arm and decided to help Homura, because he is human like us. "Fine. Are you here to continue from yesterday and finish us off?" Sayaka asked him. "I was not thinking of that. Madoka, do you remember our convention?" Homura stared on Madoka, who replied with a nod. "I want you to always remember it, so that you do not regret making a contract to that evil being. Same with you, (Y/N)." Homura said, walking away from us. "Homura!" I said, getting up and walking to him. "I was wondering, what was your wish?" He didn't say a word, instead he gave a look and walked away.

"What is up with him?" Sayaka said, grabbing his bag. "I don't know. Anyway Sayaka, why are you grabbing your things? We still have 10 minutes left?" I said, walking back to the guys and sitting down. "I need to give something to one of the teachers, so I see you three in class." Sayaka left the three of us, leaving us to enjoy the rest of lunch. "Hey (Y/N)," Madoka said, beginning to lean on me, "you and I know that although Homura looks and sounds mean, he could be a nice person inside. We just had a bad start, which over time can be fixed and become a friendship between him and us." I am happy to hear, I'm not the only who sees Homura as a nice person and Madoka gives me hope about the friendship thing. Soon, Madoka moves from my shoulder to my lap. His back was on my legs and his face was looking into mine. I was feeling embarrassment throughout my whole body. I notice his eyes were closed and he was snoring. I guess, he didn't sleep well last night. Who could blame though. So much happen in one day that would make you be worried. That or he felt like staying up the whole night.

"Um, (Y/N)." I heard him in a nervous tone of voice. I look to see his eye open, with both of us feeling embarrass. We both back way from each other with nervous faces. We started too continually, saying "Sorry" to each other. 'You and Madoka are so cute.' Kyubey told me, making a heart symbol with his tail. I was about to do what Homura would do, which is to hurt Kyubey. "We should head to now class now." Madoka said, "we don't want to be late for our last class." When heading to class, Madoka had stopped in one of the hall ways. I turned to him, seeing him with his head down. "(Y/N), if you're not busy this afternoon...Would you like to join Sayaka, Mami and I for afternoon tea?" He asked. I replied with a yes, making him lift up these head, with a smile on his face and rosy checks.

After school had finish, Sayaka told Hitomi, we had plans. But Hitomi thought plans meant that forbidden love thing again. What is happening in his mind? We went to the mall, where Sayaka shown off his golden bat and Madoka showing off his adorable draws of us as pullea magi. Sadly, Mami and Sayaka laughed at it. I cheer up Madoka about his draws, with him having a smile on his face. We exit the mall and Mami takes out his soul gem. "We can use this to find the witch from yesterday." Mami said. "So it got away?" I said. "Yes. If we don't find it in time, someone might die. We must go now!" He began to walk with the rest of us following him. We kept walking around for a while, until Mami stopped at old, rusty building. "This is where the witch is." Mami said. The three of us, felt uncomfortable walking in this place. I notice there was a pair of high heels on the ground. The strange thing was that they looked new. I check if there are any more hints about the heels. Until I saw a bare foot woman, on the roof about to do suicide. "Guys, quickly look up!" I yelled, making them all look up. The woman takes a step and begins to fall to her death. "Oh god!" Madoka and Sayaka shouted. Mami quickly transforms and catches her with his ribbon, before hitting the ground. "That was really close." Said Kyubey. Mami landed safely on the ground with the woman. We run to Mami to see if she's all right. Once there, I saw a mark on her neck. "Mami, what's on her neck?" I said, pointing at the mark. "It's a witch's kiss, this makes a person to do suicide" Mami said, we all gasped of shocked. "We should go now." He said with one of his guns appearing and running head first into the building, we followed behind him. At the very top of the stairs was portal, having a strange symbol on it. "There it." Mami said, running quickly to it. We reached the portal, but we need a second to catch our breath.

"Sayaka, can you pass me you're bat." Sayaka gave his to Mami, who gave it a huge upgrade. "There, now you can really defend the witch." Mami said, returning his bat back to him. "This is amazing!" Sayaka said, swing it around. "Everyone really to go?" Mami asked, heading into the portal. We nodded in response, with us jumping in. We arrived in the nightmare world of the labyrinth. It looked like the building, but with monsters everywhere and horrifying images and texts. Mami and Sayaka protected us from the front and back, killing everything before it even comes close to us. We reached the disgusting witch, just sitting there, like it was waiting for us. "You three stay with Kyubey and I'll deal with the witch." Mami said, going down to the witch. "Good luck, Mami!" We all shouted, giving him support.

Mami landed safely down with pulling out guns from everywhere. He began, shooting everywhere on the witch, and tying it up with his ribbon. The witch began to move, heading straight to Mami. Mami stood still, not moving an inch. "Mami!" Madoka screamed as loud as he could. "Don't not worry, the show will end soon, I just need to take care of this annoying audience." He pulled out the biggest gun I ever seen. How can his small body handle holding the gun? The witch was ripping the ribbon up and prepared to attack. "Filo. Final!" He screams with the gun shooting straight into witch. The witch disappeared and so did the labyrinth. We run up to Mami and giving him a group hug. "You were amazing!" Sayaka shouted, we kept saying how much of a hero Mami was.

"Hey Mami, did you get that grief seed thing?" Madoka asked. "Yes I did. Thank you for reminding me." He put the seed on his gem, healthily the gem and making it a clear yellow color. "There's some left, if you want me to share it with you. Akemi Homura." Mami said, glaring at Homura, who once again came out of nowhere. Sayaka goes in front of me. "Perhaps you're annoyed with sharing with another magical boy?" He ask Homura. "No, this was your prey. You should keep it for yourself." Homura said, walking away from. I saw him forcing on me and Sayaka? Could he be jealous of us? After that situation, we went to the woman, who regain conscious. "Where am I? Ah! Why did I do that!?" She said. "Don't worry, you just had a bad dream." Mami said, helping her to calm down. When she got herself back together, she walked away from us.

"It's getting a bit dark now." Sayaka suggested. "You're right. We should be getting home now." Madoka agreed. Meaning soon, mother will be shouting at me for being late again. We said our good byes to Mami and walked to the train station. There I checked the time for the next train. I noticed that there was track work on the platform. I tried to look for other trains to get home, but I missed it or tracks were broken. I thought about my parents picking me up, but it would be hard, since cause of work and traffic. 'Since you're having bad luck with trains. Why don't you ask Sayaka or Madoka, to take you home?' Thank you Kyubey for solving my problems. Now, both boys live close to me, so the question is, who do I go to?

Stay over Sayaka House
Stay over Madoka House

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