Chapter Four || I'm Doing Me

Start from the beginning

"I love you so much bestie, you hook me every time. I can't wait to see how many niggas gone be all up on little ole me tonight, might just find me a man up in there." LaLa said and puckered up her lips that were covered in one of the new lipstick shades she had got from the store today. I smiled at my work and felt a sense of accomplishment as she fluffed her curls and admired her makeup that I'd done for her before the big party tonight. I'd went simple, straight hair with a red lip to go with my red Guissepe pumps and cute little black dress. I was loving my look and I couldn't wait to actually get there, I was ready for some fun.

"You're welcome babe, you fine too. Oh and girl stop it, you know damn well Lamar ain't about to let no niggas be all up on you tonight while he there. That's as good as dead boo, so kill the dream." I said to her, and she smacked her lips and left out of her walk-in closet. I made sure everything on me was fixed then went out after her. I was already completely dressed, I just had to put on my heels, but LaLa was still not done getting dressed, it took her years.

"Girl, Lamar ain't my daddy. He can't tell me a damn thing when it come to who I fucks with, you hear me. As long as I ain't fucking around with none of his friends, he can stay outta' my business. Speaking of the nigga, here he go calling me now." She said in annoyance before answering the phone and putting it on speaker as she continued to run around in the room like a chicken with her head cut off, as she got done getting ready.

"What the hell do you want Lamar?" She said as soon as the phone answered. I chuckled and shook my head as I listened to her.

"Where the fuck y'all at? The party started a whole hour ago. Y'all always late and shit." He fired back at her and she smacked her lips.

"Nigga so, we coming, damn." She said and ended the call before tossing it into her clutch. I shook my head and gathered all of my things as I got ready to head into the living room of her condo to wait.

"I hear you La, I'll be out in the den waiting on you to get finished. I'm dressed already, so you need to hurry your ass up." I told her and she yelled back a response that I didn't catch, before I just left out of her bedroom. I went into the den, but passed by a mirror on my way and stopped to look over myself. I smiled back at my appearance and adjusted myself in the dress, making sure it stayed as it was suppose too. It's been so long since I even wore anything like this, it felt weird, but good at the same time. I was doing what Kamille wanted for a change and I couldn't wait.

A few minutes passed of me looking in the mirror, so I finally finished and headed to take a seat. I pulled my phone from my clutch and went to FaceTime my mother. It rang a few times and then my baby's face popped up onto the screen and a smile made its way onto my face, without me even trying. She grinned back at me as she waved through the phone.

" Hey mommy!" She said cheerfully.

"Hey my baby girl, what are you doing still up?"

"I'm watching tv w-with grandma and grandpa. You wook pwetty mommy!" She said and I chuckled and nodded my head at her. I could see the light on the television reflecting off of her face as she looked all up into the camera at me. As if I hadn't said it enough already, she was really my pride and joy and she always would be.

"Thank you baby, mommy will see you later okay? I love you. Be good."

"I wuv you too mommy. Goodnight. Bye bye." I smiled as she waved goodbye to me and ended the call. As if on cue, Lauren came stepping out of the back in her six inch heels like she was the baddest thing walking and she rocked them. I stood up from my seat and slid into my six inches and matched her. These only made my skin tone legs look even longer than they really were, but I liked it. I looked good, I had to admit.

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