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This is a continuation of the Busted Gulch story involving the storyline with Ruechari, Carob Bob and Reaper. 

You will notice the first two chapters are from Lyttlejoe's Busted Gulch. We reposted them here for newcomers to the story who wanted to start from the beginning and so they would know what happened at the end of Ruechari's storyline in Busted Gulch. 

Some of the characters you will recognize, such as Ruechari, Carob Bob, Doc Vale, and Reaper. However, there will be all new character as well like Liem Hellzing ( from the famous Hellzing family) and Long Leg Liz and a few more. This story will take many twists and turns as Ruechari tries to discover her true destiny. 

Thank you to those who have volunteered to be dedicated writers to this series. We wouldn't be able to do it without you. 

Now on with the story....

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