Four ; Planning to Meet Ariana Grande

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"Mom, I need to take Sabrina to Los Angeles, not you!" I say.

"No, you need an adult!" 

"No, dad's a pilot so he'll have to be going with us, you just want an excuse to go, but its not working. I'm taking Sabrina, sorry." I reply.


I go up to my room and fold two days worth of clothes and grab my phone and dial Sabrina.

"Hey, Corey!" she chirps, "wassup?"

"Well, I won the Ariana Grande challenge to meet her, Sabrina! I was the 50th clicker!" I yelled as she gasped.

"Oh my god, Corey that's great!" Sabrina gasped again. "But why did you call me to tell me? To brag? I don't get it!"

"Its because I get to go with one other person and since my dad's a pilot and will be the one taking us, he'll have to go so my ticket is free so I chose you to go meet Ariana Grande with me, Sabrina." I exclaim.


"Wake up at 5:40 at meet me at 6:00 okay?" I say.

"Yep! I'll start packing right now!"

I use my electronics the rest of the day and when its 9:00, I go to the bathroom and take a shower turning the heat up all the way.

I like the feeling of the hot water on my skin and I grab my nice, expensive shampoo and run it through my hair thoroughly.

I grab my rag and put water on it and squeeze out my also nice, expensive body wash I never usually use unless a special occasion and I thoroughly wash myself.

When done, I turn off the water and dry myself and put on my pajama's.

I grab my hair dryer and blow dry my hair to make it look fluffy.

I then put my blow dryer under my bed and hop on it, the comforter seems more comfortable today, almost so comfortable I feel like it's sucking me in it.

I close my eyes and wrap my hands under my pillow and I somehow, surprisingly am calm enough to drift off to sleep...


At 5:30 my mom wakes me up and I grab an outfit from my bag and walk to the bathroom.

I grab my toothbrush and squeeze toothpaste on it and brush very well for six minutes, then use some mouthwash which burned in my mouth.

I take off my clothes and hop into the shower and turn the heat up again and lightly wash.

I hop out when done, dry myself off, and put on my nice outfit.

I open the cabinet full of my stuff and grab my gel and make my hair into a bad boy quiff and put on some cologne. 

I brush through my hair and wash my face to wake up a bit and put my pajama's in my bag and my hairdryer just in case.

I zip up my suitcase and walk over to the kitchen and grab my breakfast which is a banana.

I hug my mom goodbye and she starts crying, "Mom, don't cry. I'll be back in two days."

"O-Okay, bye sweetie. Love  you."

"Love you too, mom." I reply smiling and she pulls away from the hug.

I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Sabrina standing there, "The taxi's waiting for us outside."

"Great. Thanks." I smile. "Bye mom!"

"Bye Ms. Fogelmanis!" Sabrina adds in.

"Bye guys! Love you two!"

"Love you too!" Sabrina and I both yell back and I close the door shut.

I walk to the driveway with her, "You nervous, Sabrina?"

"Yeah, but no as much as you." Sabrina laughs. "You have a crush on her and now you look hot, Corey!"

"Shut up!" I tease her.

We walk to the mailbox and I unlock it to see an envelope. I rip it open and see the free tickets to Los Angeles.

We see the yellow taxi and hop in the back seat, Sabrina holds my hand tightly. (in a friendly way lol, everything I say about her sounds romantic! xD)

Honestly, we would be dating if we weren't so close. Sabrina and I are too much like brother and sister, we'd be a horrible couple since we are the SAME.

The car stops at the airport, "Money."

"My dad gave me money, don't worry." Sabrina calms down my nerves.

She hands the taxi driver the money and we get our stuff out of the trunk and walk inside the crowded airport.

We go through lines and security when we finally get far enough to hand in the ticket.

We do so, and board on the plane. We both sit in first class since they're first class tickets! What?! :D

We talk the whole way and read a bit. We both read Paper Towns when the plane landed.

"OhmygoshSabrinaI'msoscared! We'regoingtomeetArianafreakingGrandeinaboutfiveminutes! WhatifIma--"

"Slow down and say it, Corey." Sabrina says.

"I said: Oh my gosh Sabrina I'm so scared! We're going to meet Ariana freaking Grande in about five minutes! What if I make a fool out of myself?!" I repeat slower.

"You wont. Calm down."

We got off the plane and...

Ariana Grande & Corey Fogelmanis | Bittersweet (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt