Two ; I Am Not A Stalker

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Corey laid down on his bed since it was midnight and stared at all fifteen of his Ariana Grande posters.

"I am not a stalker," Corey said to himself. "I've loved her for four years and now, I'm showing it by posters."

He turned off the light and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, for Ariana Grande, she was practicing her singing by doing vocal warm up's.

"Always room for improvement!" Ariana Grande smiled.

She grabbed her phone and went on Twitter and started typing.

ArianaGrande: Practicing my vocal warms. Its so boring someone help! lol. :( #sos #screwmylife

Ariana started practicing again by singing her hit song Problem.

"Hey baby even though I hate you, I wanna love you,

I want you-u-u,

And even though I can't--"

"Ariana baby!" her manager Robinson interrupted her. "We need to talk about your...image, dear."

"What about it?" Ariana Grande asked.

"You're 16 so you have a lot of attention," Robinson said. "So lets have a better, more frequent schedule about when you posts covers online on YouTube."

"Okay." Ariana bobbed her head.

"Also, your image image." Robinson smiled. "You need to look more mature. You look 16, which you are, with your adorable dyed red hair, light makeup, and bright colored appropriate for age clothes."


"Dye your hair to dark brown, put on heavier makeup, and wear more mature clothes." Robinson snapped his fingers.

"But, I don't want to!" Ariana spat. "I like how I look! Don't knock me for being confident!"

But Zack already picked her up and dragged her to the hair salon where she got everything Robinson said.

When done, Ariana Grande ran home and looked at herself in the mirror.

"I look too old!" she whined and snapped a selfie of her change on Twitter.


I saw Ariana's new transformation and she looked even more beautiful, but insecure.

I liked her picture when mom came in my room, "Sweetie, Cameron's here for your first play date!"

"Mom, don't!" I yell but he already came in and saw all of my Ariana Grande posters and fell to the floor laughing. "MOM!"

"Sorry, honey!" she shrugged. "Don't you make fun of my son!"

"I w-won't Ms. Fogelmanis!" the guy squeaked in fear.

"Good! Leave!" she growled.

He ran off, "Why are the people at your school so mean?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

Mom left and I tapped my Instagram app and it opened up to the Login screen so I typed my username and password in it.

Username: CorBearFogel

Password: *******

It says 'Login Successful' and opens up to posts. I tap the search button and type in 'Ariana Grande' and it opens up to her account.

She made a new video post so I click it and make sure audio is on and close the door and listen to it.

"Hey Arianators!" she smiled. "So, today I have a challenge for you. If you go on and click the button, the 50th person who clicks the button will get a call in a month and will get a free ticket with another member to meet me!"

I jumped in joy and instantly went on the link to the website in her caption and it opened up to it. 

I clicked the button and turned off my phone. I hope I'm the 50th clicker.


"Robinson," I call his name. "Can I close the clicking offer now?"


I went to the Instagram app and started recording.

"Hey Arianators!" I chirped a little too happily. "The offer to meet me by clicking is done. Who ever is the 50th clicker will get a call in thirty one days and get a free ticket to Los Angeles to meet me with one other member. My boyfriend will be there too. But nobody knows who my boyfriend is so shh, keep it a secret," I put my finger on my lip and wink and stop the recording and post it to Instagram online.

Ariana Grande & Corey Fogelmanis | Bittersweet (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now