09. Dinner at the Simmons

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~~ Nicole Love Westbrooks ~~

I walk down the corridor towards the kitchen.

"They won't let you help. I tried" Jessica says. I nod my head ignoring her, walking straight past her into the kitchen.

"Do you need some help?" I say loud enough for Jessica to hear whilst winking at mama Justine.

"Of course sweetheart." My mom looks at me shaking her head so I avoid her gaze. I sit down on a stool and watch as they cooking.

"Have you spoken to Nailyn?" My mom asks.

"She's having fun. I wish I could go to Texas"

"You're going to London soon"

"But not now" I say rolling my eyes.

"Quit rolling your eyes and go lay the table" I jump down and grab all the necessary items. I walk to the dining room and begin laying the table. Miley rushes in.

"I wanna help"

"Grab some knifes and forks. Put them out while I go get Russy"


"Don't hurt yourself"

"I'm grown. I'm 11 now" she says.

"I forget your growing up" I say wrapping my arm around her. I walk upstairs and knock on Russy's door.

"Come in" I hear him yell from the other side. I open the door, looking in at his room.

"Damn you grew up"

"I am 17. Wassam?"

"Dinner is nearly ready so come down" I say before giving him a smile and leaving the room.

A few minutes later, we are all sat round the table. The moment Jessica sat down there was an awkward silence.

"So Russy what are you planning on doing in college?" I say before taking a bite of my food.

"Interior designing or architecture" I look at mom hinting at her.

"I can always help ya with that" my mom says picking up on my hint.

"So can you Cola. You helped design my room and by the way I'm grown. We gotta change that" she says making me laugh.

"What's with you and being grown huh Miles?"

"She wants me to buy her a dog but I don't think she's responsible enough" mama Justine says.

"How about I buy a puppy and you can come over to look after if whenever you want?" I say.

"With yo busy self you think you can look after a puppy?" Diggy says.

"Daniel your side comments aren't necessary. You just jealous"

"I could have a dog if I wanted to" he says sticking his tongue out at me.

"Please you don't like dogs" I say.

"I thought you liked dogs" Jessica says. I stalked her so I know she has a dog.

"I don't mind dogs" he says.

"Miles-" Jessica begins

"You can't call me that" Miley says throwing her a shady smile. I pick up my drink sipping on it.

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