06. Running into the past pt 2

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~~ Nicole Love Westbrooks ~~

I get to Terry's park, parking my car. I slip on my Oakley shades before getting out the car. I walk into the park and see her sat by the playground which is in sand. To be honest I'm glad she turned up.

I take off my flip flops before making my way to the bench.

"Jhene" I say and she turns looking at me. I take a seat opposite her.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good. Surprised to see you definitely"

"Ask what you want to ask" she says taking a huge sigh.

"What happened? Why did you disappear?" I ask her getting straight to the point.

"I got pregnant"

"So? That doesn't mean you disappear."

"Okay it was 2008. I'd gone on holiday during summer break with a few friends. I knew I was pregnant at the time but I wasn't showing since I hadn't popped yet."

"I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant either. I used to work as many shifts as I could to save some money and that's exactly what I did. I found a house in Nevada. I didn't wanna go too far from home" she says.

"I had Namiko in November, she was a month premature but she was healthy. Then I lived out there for a few years."

"When did you come back to Cali? Why did you come back to Cali?"

"I came back in April 2012 when I heard that Miyagi was sick again." That's her older brother who died from cancer.

"Did anyone know you were back?"

"He knew I was back. He had my number and I visited him when no else did. I even wrote him a song called for my brother." She says. I think back.

"See when I was born you were two. And when I was two you were four. And when I was four you were six" I since and she nods her head.

"O'Ryan sang that at the funeral. The funeral was in Japan" I say.

"I know. I asked him to. All he asked for in return of his silence was to see his daughter"

"That's his daughter?"

"Yes it is"

"I knew that song didn't make any sense when he sang it" I look at her less harshly, and she looks down at her hands.

"Why won't you come home? You're basically there"

"You don't think I've tried? I don't know how to just turn up with a daughter out of the blue after 8 years"

"I'll come with you. We need you back. I think Miyoko and Mila need their little sister"

"Where are they now?"

"They're still in Los Angeles. They don't live with your parents but they're still in Los Angeles."

"I'll think about it. We can stay in touch I promise but I don't want anyone to know"

"I kinda promised Crystal I'd tell her where I went"

"No please don't tell anyone. No one can know about me." Namiko comes over and looks like she's about to cry.

"I didn't mean to drop your milk. I'm sorry" she says looking at me.

"Namiko I'm not mad at you." I say looking at her.

"Namiko this is your aunt Nicole." Jhene says. I give Jhene a small smile before looking back at Namiko. Namiko walks over to me and stands in front of me.

"Is that why you have Japanese eyes like me?" She says making me laugh.

"Yes that's why I have Japanese eyes like you" she gives me a hug.

"Namiko why don't you go and play"

"Alright mommy but I want an ice cream" she points to the ice cream truck.

"We'll go get one in a bit" she runs back over to her friend who she was playing with.

"She has anxiety. I guess it was caused by the stress I had while I was pregnant"

"She's real pretty though" I say. We sit in silence for a few moments.

"I'll keep your secret but if you're not back by thanksgiving, I'm telling them. No one will be angry with you I promise."

"Thank you"

"But I'm sure you're coming back will be positive to everyone and will bring our family closer together. We haven't seen Uncle G, Aunt Christina, Mila or Miyoko since the loss of you and Miyagi"

"Thanks" she says. I stand up and make her stand up as well. I give her a hug.

"Text me your address and I'll be back soon"

"Alright" I walk across the playground and leave Namiko jumping across the monkey bars.

Nicole Love Westbrooks (Diggy Simmons Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now