"So," Harry started, ripping off a piece of the Cinnamon swirl roll, "What's your name?"

"N-Niall." Niall told him, his hands twisting the white rag he had in his hand furiously under the table. 

"What a lovely name for a lovely boy." Harry responded, taking a sip of the coffee. "I'm sure you already know my name." Harry smirked, and Niall gulped.

"You're Harry Styles, son of the world's richest CEO." Niall told him guiltily, hanging his head.

To be honest, Niall knew exactly who Harry Styles was. Everyone did. His father was married, once, and then the minute he left his wife, his company started earning a lot more money than intended, and his father blamed his wife for being a burden to the company from the start. Harry chose to live with his mother when they divorced, of course, until he finished high school, when his father pulled him out of University and made him come and work for his company so that when his father died, he could inherit everything and run the business. The firm in question is a large stock company, earning millions per week and Mr Styles gives a fair share of that to his son, putting it in his Bank Account every week. Now at 26, Harry is still in training to become the head of the company, and he has everything in life that he could ever want. And he sleeps around with plenty of people, girls and boys. 

"You've done your research." Harry told Niall, making the blonde blush.

"Yes sir." Niall answered, looking away from Harry's piercing gaze.

"Interesting." Harry responded, popping another piece of the roll into his mouth. 

Before Niall could talk back, his manager, James, called him over and told him to stop slacking off and threatened to make his pay check smaller. Niall nodded glumly and got back to work, making sure to be extra cheery instead of the dull boy that he feels like. 

Harry took it upon himself to then leave the cafe, paying the bill and then leaving a hearty tip for the cute blonde boy and a small note, a few words that he hoped would get to the blonde. 

I hope to see you soon.

Harry Styles
Apprentice CEO

It was straight to the point and he really did hope that he would see Niall once more. The boy captured his special attention and he was more than excited to see the boy once more. 

When Niall picked up the empty cup he couldn't help but gasp at the large amount of money placed delicately under the saucer. It had to be at least $300 and there was a tiny note wrapped around it. Niall blushed when he read it and then glanced around before stuffing the money into his pocket. He will give it back to Harry the next time he sees him. 

Niall packed up his things and climbed into his car, driving back to his small apartment where he would catch up on some much needed sleep since there were no classes for him tomorrow. It's a Wednesday, and Niall has no classes on Wednesdays. His place was small, it had a lounge and kitchen as one, and then the bedroom and bathroom were joined. The laundry was at the bottom of the complex, and you had to pay $4 if you wanted to use the machines, extra if you needed cleaning products. 

Niall threw the money in his pocket randomly on the kitchen table and undressed as he walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Meeting Harry Styles today was the most exciting thing he had ever done in his life. It was strange, though, for the Apprentice CEO to turn up to their quite little town. 

But for Harry, when he got to his father's building, all he copped was shit from his Dad about being late. 

"A formal, rich gentleman is never late to anything. He must be present the exact time someone wishes them to be present." His father scolded, wondering when his son will ever learn his lesson.

Harry was a rebel child, always has been since his father took him out of Uni. Harry never wanted this. He wanted to be with his mother, who he hasn't talked to in what seems like an eternity, but in reality it's only been a solid 5 years. Harry's always been a troubled child, and his mother fixed that. Now, so far away from her, a 5 hour plane ride away, he is forced to take his medication once more. 

"Now go, leave my sight boy, I no longer need you." Mr Styles sternly said to his son, waving him out of his office on the top floor. 

Paul drove Harry home to his penthouse which was in the rich part of the city. Paul could tell that something was up with Harry, and he only hoped that Harry waited until he got home to explode with profanities spilling out of his mouth.

"Please step on it, Paul." Harry said, pinching the bridge of his nose and sliding further down in the smooth, black, leather car seat.

"Yes sir." 

When Harry did arrive home, he slammed his front door shut and threw a close magazine across his large lounge room. 

"Fuck!" Harry screamed, clutching his hair in his hands. 

Harry couldn't help but feel angry. His father is never happy with whatever he does. It was his fathers fucking idea to make him come out here in the first place! No matter what Harry does, Mr Styles is never happy. 

"P-please calm d-down, Master Styles." Harry's timid servant, Louis (also his best friend) said to him.

"Don't tell me what to do, Louis." Harry scolded, and Louis nodded, "Also, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't call me Master. You're my best friend Lou, it's just Harry."

"Right. Sorry sir." Louis nodded, but Harry knew that that wouldn't happen.

Louis may be his best friend, but he also has been trained to be a servant, he has been trained to serve someone for all their needs. So no matter how many times Harry tells him, Louis will always call him Master.

Harry had a shower and lay down in bed, wondering what the blonde boy was thinking about, or if he was already asleep. It was around 12 o'clock in the morning, so no doubt the bubbly blonde he met today was most likely asleep. 

Harry was confused, to say the least, that he is thinking so much of the boy. 

"What is happening?" Harry asked himself, and put his arms behind his head.

Harry was certain that he was going to see this boy again. 

Even if it killed him.

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