22. Jesse Puljujärvi (Oulun Kärpät #9)

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Prompt: You find out he has to join the military


"Hey Y/N! Have you seen this article on the Finn's going to war before they're twenty eight as a mandatory service?" My friend Kayla asks.
"What?"I ask.
"Yeah, read this!" She shoves her laptop over to me and I start to skim over it.
"He's leaving?" I ask lip quivering. Kayla gives me a tight hug.
"Oh honey, just think it's like he's away at hockey."
"I know, he could die though." I whimper.
"I'm sorry I showed you this. I shouldn't have and I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, I'm glad that you showed me it so now I can become prepared for when he's leaving." I wipe my tears. Kayla stays with me for a while just talking about it and hugging me until she has to go.
'My boy will have to go to the military..... My sweet innocent baby boy,' I sit deep in thought and then burst into tears. Why Finland why? I want him safe and I'm afraid we'll go to war and he'll have to fight. My sweet happy puppy like boyfriend. I hear the door open and I fling myself at my boyfriend of two years Jesse as he walks in the door after hockey practice.

"Rakkaus mikä hätänä?" he asks holding me to him. (Love what's wrong?)

"Älä jätä minua kiitos," I whimper out in Finnish. (Do not leave me please)

"Missä voisi saat että ajatus?" (Where would you get that idea from?)

"I read the thing on Olli being sent away to war and that all of Finland's eligible people have to go for a minimum of six months to the military. Tell me it's not true," I sniffle snuggling closer to him.

"Valitettavasti se on totta, minun täytyy mennä minun velvollisuus Suomessa. Olen todella pahoillani vauva, jos en tarvitse mennä en halua." (Unfortunately it's true, I must go as my duty to Finland. I'm really sorry baby, if I didn't have to go I wouldn't)

"I know, I'm just afraid of you never coming back," he glares at me.

"Why would you say that?" He asks switching into English.

"Because you might get hurt and die or never want to see me again. Meet someone while you're back in Finland. I can't lose you," I hug him tighter. He kisses my head and lifts me up so he's carrying me like a little baby.

"You won't lose me. I'll be gone for three months at a time like I am back at Karpat," he lays down on the couch with me on top of him. I rest my head on his chest and wipe my tears.
"I know but you could get hurt and die, what if world war three happens and you have to go fight on the front lines!" I start rambling as he hugs me tighter to him shushing me.
"Shh, it won't happen. It's like hockey when I signed up I understood that I could get hurt and possibly die but everyone comes out safe if they have the fighting ability. My dad's done it, many hockey stars have done it. Rakkani, I'll be okay."
"You better be! You cannot leave me, I don't know what I'd do!" He pulls me up so he can nudge my neck with his head. I giggle and run my fingers through his hair.
"I'm going to miss you Jesse," I whisper.
"I'm not leaving you for a while, trust me. I have until I'm twenty eight to do this! I'm not saying we'll have ten years together but I'm not saying I'll fly out tomorrow."
"Good, I think we can do this!"
"I know we can do this. You know why?"
"Because we have each other and were stronger than we think."
"Has your English been getting stronger?" I ask just noticing.
"Yep, it's hard not to switch to Finnish because it's what I know."
"When you're away you can speak all the Finnish you want."
"You're right, I love you Y/N." He whispers giving me a kiss. I kiss back and smile.
"I love you too Jesse."

So this is the end of the requests I've got so if anyone would like to request an imagine I wouldn't mind writing one.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. :)

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