Chapter 11: Sonic Boom

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September 13

Skylar flew overhead, watching the ground for any signs of a disturbance. All seemed fine and dandy, until he reached the center of downtown. There, he could see people running away from something happening around the corner.

As he flew closer, he could begin to hear the screams of the residents.

Landing softly on the ground, he ran to the corner of a building and instantly had to duck. A huge piece of concrete soared over his head and fell to the ground with a crash.

He ran towards the figure that was throwing pieces of the road, and buildings, and stopped in front of him. "Hey!" he yelled. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'd suggest you back away, little one," the man said, turning to face Sparrow. He was broad, and tall, and was wearing a silver metallic costume. His mask was all shades of gray, and glinted like polished steel in the sunlight. His mask covered his entire face, and Skylar couldn't help but comment.

"Wow. I mean, I know there isn't much to work off of, but you didn't need to go all Batman, now did you?" Somehow the mask and the costume bolstered Skylar's confidence and ego by a tenfold. "What's your name?"

"I gave you a chance," the man said. His voice sounded very deep and techno.

"A voice disguiser? Really?" Sparrow shook his head. "Even I don't need one of those."

The man took a step forward and shot his right hand straight out. He whipped it towards Sparrow, and a red car came flying at him.

Thinking quickly, Sparrow jumped up and flew out of the way of the car. "Is that all you can do?"

He shot forward and kicked the man in the chest, sending him back... a foot.

The man swiped at Sparrow, who ducked and spun around, kicking the man in the face.

"Is there something I can call you?" Sparrow asked, throwing a punch at the man's face. "I mean, when the news people come, if they don't have something to call you, they're going to give you some stupid name like, Silver Man." He thought for a second and ducked, missing getting hit by a huge fist. "You know, I rather like Silver Man. That's what I'm going to call you."

"Shut up," Silver Man said, glaring at Sparrow.

"No thanks." While throwing and dodging hits, Sparrow tried to burrow into Silver Man's mind, attempting to figure out who this guy was.

Silver Man kicked Sparrow in the gut, and he went flying. At the very last second, he flew up into the air.

He shook his head, and clutched his stomach. That's a broken rib or two, he thought wryly.

"Had enough?" Silver Man yelled.

Sparrow landed softly on the ground. "Hardly."

Punch after punch, he threw hits towards Silver Man. Sweeping his feet underneath him, Sparrow managed to topple his opponent. However, he was quickly back on his feet and throwing more punches and hits.

Sirens started to wail in the background and Sparrow grinned. "It appears that your time as a villain has come to an end."

"Not quite," Silver Man grunted as he slammed his hands together. Two huge pieces of concrete peeled themselves off of the ground and flew towards Sparrow, who quickly hopped out of the way. They slammed into each other, and pieces of rock and dust flew in all directions.

A piece tore across Sparrow's cheek, and he reached up to feel a hot liquid, and his torn cowl. When his fingers came away from his face, there was blood coating his fingertips. Anger burned through his veins as he flew up into the air.

When he was high enough, he took a deep breath and started to fly towards the ground headfirst.

Using his powers, and the force of gravity, he aimed towards the figure of Silver Man, who was still wreaking havoc on the city.

Sparrow could feel the air whipping around him, and his feathers fluttering violently in the wind. The blood on his cheek was crawling towards his hairline from inside of his mask.

Finally, he was just about ready as he neared Silver Man.


A few...




The sonic boom that Sparrow had created startled Silver Man, and he fell to the ground, crawling away towards a door.

Sparrow, on the other hand, could see the police cars, and pulled up quickly, shooting back into the air. He couldn't risk being caught by the police. Not when he was in costume. If anyone were to find out his secret identity...

Things would be very, very bad indeed.  

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