Chapter 30: They Find Out

Start from the beginning

"I think I do..." I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed

Helen came and wrapped his hands around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. Everyone grew curious who the killer is so I lifted his mask to reveal his face. They all nodded and I began my long speech

"Okay here are the main things. Before I met you, I was abused harshly by my family. They cursed me and hit me yada yada yada. I was accepted in our old college and came here. Jimmy was the first one I met when he helped me move my stuff. We became buddies after that and sorta talked. So one day, I took a walk in the woods and met Bloody Painter. We talked, became friends, dated. Some where around that time, I became a killer like them. I also met you. Then I fell in a long coma. I knew it was Claire so I killer her. After that, I killed my family. I am now wanted for killing them and all that. And a few days ago, Helen proposed to me. And now, you know about it" I explained snuggling into Helen

"Wait.... So you are engaged and the killer Lifeless Rose?" Jacob asked fixing his beanie


"And you kill like them" Jake said or more like stated

"Aren't you an immortal Creepypasta?" Jade asked

"Yes and No. I'm an immortal Creepypasta Queen" I explained with a nod

After explaining a little more, they all fall into silence. Helen nudged me and pointed to my back. I instantly remember

"Oh and I'm a dark angel" I say spreading out my wings

They all looked shocked and amazed. I smirked

"Take a picture. It lasts longer" They playfully glared at my comment

"Wait. You don't have a second form on you or anything, do you?" Truth asked pointing at me

"Actually I do" After saying, the spell, I immediately changed into my Pasta form

I now had my grey skin showing. Icy Blue smoke penetrated from my arms, and my eyes are also the same color. My crimson red hair also came back. I also transformed my violin for them to see. They sat there dumbfounded and I recited my other spell to change back to human

"Okay let me explain. My eyes and smoke color change by my emotion. I also have powers like destruction spells, fire spells, water spell, and some more. My weapon is an enchanted violin and a gun" I explained transforming back my violin to a bracelet

"What about the necklace?" Jimmy asked

"It's an affection charm necklace. By the tap on the diamond, almost every guy here is falling for me" I said slightly blushing at the comment

"Prove it" Ben smirked from behind me

"Fine" I say and tap the button

Multiple rows of white streaks, began emerging spiraling around me. Once they disappeared I caught every boys' stare. The girls giggled at me and I thought it was amusing

"Take a picture boys, it lasts longer" I said snapping them back to reality

They blushed heavily and tried to cover it up.

"So when I begin seeing you 10x hotter, you have that thing turned on, right?" LJ smirked

I roll my eyes and tap it off again. This time blue streaks came out and spiraled around me. Once they disappear, the boys go back to normal. After that, I made my normal friends promise never to call the cops and tell anyone about my identity. My Creepypasta friends promised never to kill them. They left afterwards and my friends and I changed from our PJs for the upcoming day. I wore something casual, today and so did everyone else. I glances at the clock and saw it is 10:30 am.

Wow time goes really fast

Since we had nothing to do, we went to the café like old times and hung out. This time they kept asking me more about my other self. Later the day, I came back home and called Helen. We have the house to ourselves and can't be happier. As Helen and I snuggled against eachother in the living room, watching TV, he kept rubbing my back for a while. I was about to ask him a question but Helen carried me up bridal style to my room and locked the door behind him. He set me on the bed and took off his coat and shirt. Begging with those eyes of his, I sigh in agreement and kiss him passionately.

We had a whole make-out session and no one was there to stop us........

Or so I thought........
Yay new chapter! Now let's have a vote. If this couple is to have a child, and I'm not saying they will, which gender would you vote on?

A boy that looks like you but kills like Helen? He may have some shyness too


A girl that looks like Helen but kills like you? She may have your powers as well

Please vote. I can't finish the story without you. Leave it to be discontinued or vote for it to go on. The choice is technally yours

Peace Out!

Tamara M.

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