The Incident

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Inside was a paper folded and in the front it said ‘Justin B.’ I went into to the bathroom to read it and told tyler I’d be out in a second, the letter said;

‘So I don’t know if you’re mad at me or if I did anything wrong but I miss you. You rejected all my calls and didn’t respond to my texts . please call and if you can’t do that then please come to my concert tomorrow night. I got you two tickets Love Bieber ‘

When I looked in the envelope there were the two believe concert tickets. I had to think about going, he was always on my mind even if I did deny it. I got out and put the letter and the ticket in my drawer. ‘Are you okay Linna?’ ‘yeah I’m fine’ ‘Uhm are you guys gonna be okay, I have a date tonight’ ‘Wow really Rose? Yeah we’ll be fine, we’re probably just gonna watch a movie’ ‘Okay good see ya’ that meant our night had officially started and I just wanted to keep my mind off Bieber. I turned around to get a movie when I saw Ty have a bottle of vodka ‘What. You drink?’ ‘Duh who doesn’t?’ ‘Uhm me? Can you please not.’ ‘No you don’t have to drink, I can do what I want.’ ‘Whatever’ I tried to ignore him and just watch the movie calmly all on the couch. I grabbed my phone and read the texts Justin had sent me over my two day absence. Ty got up all of sudden and ran into the bathroom and then I heard the disgusting sound of puking. I decided to call it a night and turned off the movie and went into my room. I started changing into something more comfortable when my door swung open. ‘Ty get out! I’m changing!!’ ‘I don’t care, did I ever tell you how sexy you are’ He was getting closer when he was talking till he got so close I smelled his drunk breath ‘Okay Ty really get away you’re too close’ ‘Stop pushing me away and gimme some love’ He grabbed me and tried kissing me ‘Stop Ty , It’s not funny’ He grabbed me and pushed me on the bed. I punched and kicked but it seemed like nothing was going to stop him. He started feeling up my shirt when I kicked him in the place it hurts the most. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. He started banging on the door and demanding me to open it. ‘Get out my fucking house or I’m calling the cops I swear’ everything went silenced and I called the only person that I could think of. I cried when I heard the voice I had been dying to hear. ‘Cat open the door, it’s Justin’

I quickly opened the door and literally jumped in his arms ‘What’s wrong Cat , What happened?’ ‘Just hug me please’ He picked me up and laid me down on my bed, I never wanted him to let go of me. I felt so protected and safe. I awoke to the sun coming through my window and thought last night was a dream until I turned around and saw Justin next to me still with his arm under me. He looked so peaceful and then I realized last night really did happen so I started crying. My crying woke him up but he got up so quick and asked ‘Can you tell me what happened now?’ ‘My old friend came to spend a couple of days with me and I didn’t know he started drinking and he got drunk and came in my room and tried kissing me and touching me..’ Justin held me so close and just repeated ‘It’s okay, I’m right here’ ‘That’s not why I’m so dramatic about this though, there’s more..’ ‘You can tell me anything Cat’ ‘When I was little my dad molested me and I think my sister.’ ‘Wait what, really? Does your mom know’ ‘Noo. I barely found out what he really was doing just a couple of years ago.. I never talk about it’ ‘What about your sister?’ ‘We talked about it once but we let it go but last night reminded me so much of it and thats when I called you.’ ‘I’m glad you did, I swear I would never let anybody hurt you’ ‘Thanks I never really told anyone that Uhm are you hungry?’ ‘Actually I’m starving, can you cook?’ ‘Duh you might as well call me Chef Cat’ When we started walking out my room we bumped into my sister. ‘Cat what happe.. Uhhh’ ‘Ooooh Ty wanted to leave early last night. And Justin this is my sister Rose and Rose this is Justin’ My sister had this confused look on her face so I said ‘Ima go make omelets you want one?’ She nodded her head so I just took that as a yes. Justin grabbed my arm and asked if I was going to tell her what happened I just put my finger to my mouth and whispered 'Shh' 

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