Long Distance

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It’s been a week since I last seen Justin and I still feel butterflies just by thinking about that wonderful day. He left for his tour but we literally talk everyday even if its only a couple of texts. He’s so sweet and nice and just a good person. Whenever we talk or skype it’s the best, we spend hours laughing and I swear I can’t stop smiling after. One rule he did ask me was he could only really trust me if I didn’t say anything to anybody except well my sister. I agreed for many reasons of I saw that the media would never leave me or him alone about. It’s weird how we’re just friends yet the chemistry between is so strong that both of us can’t deny it. Justin is suppose to come back next week and he already has our first day together planned out. The only problem in all this was he never talked about his feelings toward me. Like he called me cute and sweet but I don’t know , that uncertainty kept me up at night. I didn’t let it bother me because I didn’t wanna lose the amazing friendship or relationship me and Justin were making. By the time the week ended I felt as if he was one of the closest people I had in my life and I just couldn’t wait to hang out with him finally. That night I got a call and it was Justin ‘Cat, I’m back !’ ‘omg yay, what’s up for tomorrow?’ ‘Well I was wondering if you wanted to come over and we could watch movies or you can show me how to bake haha’ ‘hhaha as if you’ll actually pay attention but okay it’s a plan , what time?’’Uhmm I say like at 11, I’ll make sure the guards know who you are’’Kay night see you tomorrow’’Alright I’ll be waiting dream sweetly bye’ I literally slept like a baby that night

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