Finding Luke at last. Luke is a cry baby

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"She risked her life to find me?" Luke replied. "Why would she want to find me unless... She still hates me. Even after all these years. She still blames me for his death." Luke said with a sigh.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you. She may be disappointed in you, but she could never hate you." Christina replied.

"You don't know her like I do. Believe me, she hates me and I'm not suprised that she is disappointed in me. I'm sure everyone is disappointed in me. I failed her, I failed everyone. I thought I could be as good of a teacher as my mentors Ben and Yoda but I was wrong. As a result my padwan betrayed me. He like my father was seduced by the dark side of the force. He ceased to be my nephew and became Kylo Ren and it's all my fault. My failure has cost the galaxcy more then you can ever know." Luke replied.

"Oh stop it! Your too wrapped up in a pity party to see that your family needs you, General Leia needs you, Catherine needs you, the Resistance needs you, the Galaxcy needs you." Christina said irritatedly and yet pleadingly at the same time.

"I fail them. Leia and Han..." Luke started to reply.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! Don't you dare dishonor his memory by feeling sorry for yourself. He believed in you, he died believing in you. Believing that you could restore balance to the Galaxy. You know what I think? I think Your nothing but a whiny little crybaby. I think your afraid. Your afraid that if you get involved you'll hurt and let down the ones you care about. If you give up, if you refuse to help us then the first order has already won. They will continue to corrupt your padwan until there is no light left in him and they will do the same to Catherine. If listening to the stories Catherine told me has taught me anything, it's to never give up hope. You didn't give up hope for your father and you can't give up hope for your padwan who has been lead astray. You have to stand up and fight. Fight for your family, for those you love and for the good of the Galaxy." Christina replied handing Luke the lightsaber who shook his head and handed it back to Rey. "The time has come for the Jedi to return only you can save Catherine and your padwan or whatever you call a Jedi in training." Christina replied.

Luke was in shock. He wasn't sure how to respond. Here was this young girl calling him a crybaby and scolding him as if he were a child. Was she right? Was he being a wimp? Was he just afraid of failing? "What do you mean save Catherine?" Luke asked puzzled.

"We were running out of time on out last mission. Star Killer base was about to explode along with the planet. Our friend Finn was badly injured and Catherine had been shot. She opted to stay behind to cover us till we got Finn to the ship. However, she knew we wouldn't have time to go back for her. We barley had time to get out of forest and onto the falcon. She said she'd meet up with us later but I think she was just saying that so we'd leave. I don't know if she's even still alive. If she is, then she's being held prisoner by the First Order. Who knows what they will do to her." Rey replied sadly.

"If they take her to Snoke She'll be turned to the dark side like Kylo Ren." Luke replied turning to walk away.

"No she won't. She'll fight them till there is no more breath in her." Christina replied defensively.

"Yeah, from what I've seen of Catherine, she won't give in to their demands. She's not intimidated by them. She's a fighter and nothing they can do will break her spirit." Rey replied.

"I know Catherine better then you think. Despite what you might think, Catherine is not a Jedi. She never completed her training in fact, she walked away from it. She's always been so afraid and full of anger. Those things lead to the dark side. She might have said she wants to reconcile but I know she still blames me for our father's death. I know she's not ready to forgive me. The truth is, I doubt she'll ever be ready. It's only a matter of time before she's seduced by the dark side." Luke said with a sigh.

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