Please Let Me Keep Them!

Start from the beginning

"Wait!" I stop halfway when I hear someone calling after me. I turn back to find Kaname and Zero coming after me. I stop to pick them up in my arms, and run towards the small forest behind the park to hide from my parents that I hate now.

I slide down behind a tree, setting Kaname and Zero down as I pick my knees up, and hide my face to cry to myself. I don't want them to see me cry. I've come to not rely on people when I need comfort, so having people watch me cry feels like a humiliation to me.

"You really are crying for us." I hear Zero say surprised.

"Of course I am. I'm pathetic because I get attached way too fast. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm normally a lonely person." I say to him, but I don't lift my head because I'm ashamed of my crying face. I feel two small hands touch my hair gently. I slightly lift my head to see both of them stroking my hair. I can't help but smile a little bit. They really are making me feel better. With my hair, I keep my eyes hidden, but I move my hands to pet both of their heads gently.

"I'm sorry that my parents didn't accept you guys, but I can't just leave you guys either." I say wiping away my tears. "What should I do?" I question, but I'm sure they're just as lost as me. I don't even know how familiar they are with my hometown. They don't know where they come from, so it's not like there's any way I can leave them alone. I've taken responsibility for them.

We sit there in silence. Listening to the bugs roaming around, fishermen at the river, birds, and even a few small critters roaming about. I didn't bring my phone, so I have no idea how long we've been here. If my family is calling me, I'll never know.

"You should go home, Alondra. Your parents must be worried sick." Kaname says after a while.

"I don't care." Going back into a foul mood at the simple mention of them. Looks like I wasn't ready to feel guilty just yet.

"You can't just stay out here all day." Zero's right, but when I get stubborn, there's no changing my mind unless I get my way. I hate being like this, but sometimes it's necessary. Especially since we're talking about two living beings that are alone in this world, and I was the only one with a heart to take them in even though I know nothing about them.

"If you two are staying out here then I will too. There's no way I'm abandoning you guys." I say looking over at him.

"You're a pampered princess. You won't last long out here." He says trying to anger me, and it's working. My emotional defenses are down and not buried away as normal.

"Why do you hate me when I've only tried being nice to you?!" I yell out at him. He looks away not answering my question. I frown, and drop my head back on my knees.

"Then I guess you're happy that my parents didn't accept you in the house. You just want to be rid of me." I say feeling my voice crack, and I hate that I let people get to me like that, and yet I can still stay strong through that pain.

"Zero! You hurt her feelings! Apologize!" Kaname yells at him. He doesn't respond, not that I expected him to anyway.

"Forget about it, Kaname. I can't make someone like me no matter how hard I try. I stopped trying to get on the good side of people a long time ago anyway." I say lifting my head up, and standing up. Leaning still on the large tree. "It's okay if you hate me Zero. Everyone does, but I don't let that bring me down. As long as I love myself then it's fine." Not that I really love myself to begin with. He looks back at me. "So go on, and tell me why you hate me." I tell him a smile. I don't like people seeing me down, and they're not going to see me down either.

"I don't hate you, okay?!" He yells at me annoyed. I look at him surprised.

"Then, why-"

"I don't know. You make me feel weird and being so nice to two strange creatures you just met... it's just strange. I don't know how to react and I don't like that." I'm just going to take that as a compliment.

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