High school Days-Chp 3

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    The next morning I awoke to my sister humming around the house and knocking on the wall next

to my door for fear of me making the door fly off the hinges like before. I opened my eyes slowly so

not to let the light shining through my room blind me. My hair coiled back from the heat of the

sunlight and I hissed at the day like usual. I sat up and growled realizing that it was another

god-forsaken day I had to spend at that evil place called high school. If I wouldn, 9 - Ñ] . °(òÒ /  (Ìv 0 (Tt 1 (+ê 2 p('h 3 ñ ¡4 : (± 3 (%ä" 2 # ð( % 1 % à(È& 0 ' Ð("]( / ( øô( î/ : =A) / ) z* 0 * ·×* 1 + ô¢+ 2 , 1n, 3 , n9- 4 - (=É- !55 : ­ 5 . —æ+ 6 , (q* 7 * e( 8 ) Ø

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