The Choice and the Consequence-Chp 2

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      That incessant ticking...the constant reminder that I'm doomed on this planet. My sister says

that the ticking is a way for humans to keep a beat when writing or making music and it counts

every sixty seconds that go into one minute and etc. I hate that my sister is so horribly positive about

every SINGLE THING. I hate that her voice is so sweet and mine is so sinister...I hate her. I do...I

really do. Yet, when she looks at me with those soft blue eyes that everyone else gets lost in...she

understands the pain that has made me bitter. Every car crash...I feel it, every tear that falls from a

child's face and every soul that leaves a body...I feel it. I feel all pain, all day, every day and there is

nothing I can do to forget. Every teenager that believes cutting is the only way to soothe their pain,

my arms start to bleed for no reason  with every slash. The gun shot that stops the heart...mine has

been cut, pierced, and shot at so many times...I'm not even sure that it tries to beat anymore. I can

never betray my sister...because she is the good that keeps the world sane...but I sometimes wish

that she could soothe me.

    Today I awoke to feel someone being stabbed to death in some alleyway in Chicago, and some

girl crying over her dead boyfriend. I couldn't eat this morning because of her constant depression

hitting me like waves of pins and needles going straight through my body. My sister, as usual,

came skipping down the stairs singing some new song all about love and happiness and the crap

that makes me sick to my stomach. I remember as a child I used to push her down the stairs, yet I

would be the one to cry because all her pain shot right into me and she would dust herself off and

walk up the stairs to hug me until all the pain subsided. Of course when she did that, my skin would

burn from all the white light emitting off of her skin that a normal person would find comfort in. So

most of her hug moments only lasted a few seconds before the burning pulled a scream that I

didn't know I had from my body.

    Today was also the same day that Zeus asked for our attendance at the annual conference of all

the goddesses and gods. Most of the originals, like Athena, Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Ares had all

gone on to somewhere else that no god or goddess knew of. They just no longer kept in constant

and lived on through the people. We were the second generation gods and goddesses. Otamee

and I became the yin and yang of the world, Poseidon only had one son, Heath, who also had the

power over fire and would become Zeus' successor, Hades had somehow managed to have two

sons who didn't die in battle, Irius and Raphael, who were both just as deadly as he was, and

Apollo had a son and a daughter, Octus and Oceana, who both were healers, but only the daughter

could sing. She is forever known as the siren...the only pirate tales about the mermaids in the

water is just a figment of their imaginations. She really cant stand water that isn't purified by her or

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