Fury begins rather arrogantly “I hope you slept well because it’s time to get down to work.”

I ask slightly annoyed at Fury’s arrogance “And what work is this?”

Fury hands me the folder he’s been holding and I quickly open it up to read the file. Loki comes over to me and also begins to read the file over my shoulder.

At 0600 hours on 6th November 2013 subject T revealed himself in the centre of New York City alongside fifty of the same Chitauri that Loki used during his attack on the city suggesting that either Loki or subject T got these Chitauri from the other. Iron Man engaged subject T in combat but subject T escaped. Current location of subject T is unknown the Chitauri that was with subject T were detained and terminated as they were of no use to interrogate due to inability to communicate with us.

Iron Man described in detail that subject T does not have the Tesseract this has been proven by Thor as he has given evidence that subject T does not have the Tesseract meaning that subject T has the ability to bring the Chitauri back to the Earth by other means.

As answered by the sentence subject T yelled before disappearing it has been confirmed that subject T will return to carry on what Loki failed to do suggesting that both subject T and Loki are allied.

When asking Thor on the location of Loki it has been discovered that Loki is no longer imprisoned on Asgard he is somewhere on Earth. Units of undercover agents have been dispatched all over the world to try and pinpoint his location.

Reports have come in that a civilian looking like Loki has been spotted in New York City alongside a possible subject SH (Look in file 224 for details on subject SH) although this has not been confirmed due to possibility of possible subject SH from identifying any agents who approach within her sensing and identifying radius due to the possibility of subject SH attacking.

Action to be taken is to enter SH current point of residence unannounced late at night and detain whoever is in the apartment but making sure to tranquilize subject SH to ensure that she cannot escape with any who are in the apartment.

Once done reading the file I pass it to Loki. I grumble to myself for a minute then turn to glare at Fury.

I ask “So why are you showing this to us? And who is subject T?”

Fury notifies “Subject T is an extraterrestrial whose name is Thanos.”

I feel Loki tense behind me as he’s got me in his arms. I look back at Loki only to find him looking paler than usual.

Fury asks “Do you recognise the name Loki?”

Loki notifies “I recognise the name but I never truly met him in person.”

Thor asks “Are you saying that you’ve been in his presence?”

Played By The God Of Mischeif.Where stories live. Discover now