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I wake up to Blake shifting in bed. Not my bed. The hospital bed. He's waking up.

"Shshshsh, don't move." I say, waking up from my nap.

"Is it only you?" He asks, his 'morning' voice present.

"Yea, I don't know where your mom went." I reply, sitting up.

"And Isaac? Where is he?"

"He's with my mom. It was completely last minute and I didn't want to bring him. I wanted you to rest and not worry about him." I say, gently stroking his hair.

"Thank you for being here baby girl. It makes me feel like I might actually have hope for you loving me." He smiles.

"But I do love you." I whisper.

"Do you?" He asks, looking at me.

"Of course, I've loved you since I saw you, it's just, hard to love you." I say, blinking a tear onto my cheek.

"Why is it hard?"

"Your parents, you. I don't deserve to have you. I only hurt you and you know that Blake."

"You're scared. It's okay to be scared sometimes. Earlier, when they were sending us to the battlefield, I was scared. I was scared that I wasn't going to see you two again, and it hurt like a bitch. You don't hurt me Bella. I love you, and I'm going to wait until you're ready. I'll wait as long as it takes." He says, kissing my forehead.

"And if I'm never ready?"

"Shh, you don't know what you're saying. This is me we're talking about. You'll always be ready." He smiles, then leans his forehead onto mine, our lips only a breath apart.

"Not a chance." I reply, pressing my lips against his.

Authors Note

So, this was a really short chapter, but I was thinking to end it here. It seems like a legit ending, and I really don't want to overstretch their love story. Maybe I'll post an epilogue.

Make sure not to delete this story from your library in the even that I do make an epilogue. Place it in your archive if you will.

So, I'm guessing this is the last chapter.

I wanted to tank each and everyone one of you guys who read this story, I honestly didn't think I would pull it off.

Please feel free to check out my other stories, the top two are:
1. Is this love?
2. Does love exist?

I also have other stories, but those have 4K+ reads, but feel free to read whichever you choose.

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Xoxo, menndess

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