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About 20 minutes after Blake arrived, baby Cameron was born.

He was introduced to us with a very loud, high-pitched scream. Blake occasionally whispered in my ear about how proud he was, and kisses my forehead a couple times.

Although I've missed his kisses and words for months now, it didn't make me want to change my decision.

After they clean baby C up, they bring him to me, bundled up in the signature hospital blankets, with a beanie covering up his head full of hair. That heartburn paid off.

As I'm mesmerized under my sons beautifully created eyes and him in general, my thoughts become interrupted by Blake's voice.

"Bella,  have you thought of a name for baby Cameron? Remeber, he doesn't have a name." He questions.

And that's when it hits me. My kid doesn't have a name!

"Isaac." I blurt out. Middle name? Mm, maybe not.

"What do you think about Isaac Alexander Cameron?" He asks.

I smile. He used his middle name for the baby.

"Perfect." I say, coming out almost as a whisper. "Blake, would you like to hold him?"

With that, his eyes gleam with excitement.

He quickly nods, and I gently start to lift the baby, Blake meeting me half way there. I look up at his face, it's beaming with joy, excitement, and love.

I stare at his eyes. They seem the same, only somewhat sadder. It's because of me.

He holds the baby, swaying his hips side to side, not leaving my bedside.

"Well Isaac, welcome to us. In this world, you'll experience many, many things, but don't worry, your mom and I will always be here for you. My job is going to raise you to be a nice gentleman that doesn't turn out like I did. You will learn to respect those girls like I've learned to respect your mom." He pauses, looking over at me. " you see her over there. When you get older, you need to look for something like her. Why? Because that's the best life's got. She's beautiful, smart, and will love you no matter what." He stops and looks up to me again.

I can see tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Respect those girls out there."

"Blake," I say, my voice cracks as tears start to stream down my cheeks. I scoot over on my bed, and pat the empty spot for him to come and lay with me.

"Don't teach him to be better that you are. It's impossible because no one can ever be better than you. Don't put yourself down. He will love you will all your flaws just like I do." I take a breather," I'm sorry for how I've been treating you the last months. I've been such a bitch and I'm sorry."

He cups my cheek with one hand as he wipes my cheeks free of tears.

"Don't worry, I love you no matter how much of a bitch you are towards me. You'll always only be my Bella." He says, kissing my head.

I nuzzle into his neck, putting an arm behind him.

He does the same, resting his head on top of mine.

I look around the room. I notice monitors and a bassinet for Isaac. I also notice that my mom is passed out on the couch.

"Bella," Blake whispers," my parents asked to come. I wanted to see if you'd be okay with that."

A lump of fear forms in my throat, but I quickly mellow it down.

"Sure." I say uneasily.

"I'll call them, tell them to come in an hour because you're 'sleeping'." He grins.

This causes me to let out a small chuckle.

Ladies and gentledudes, Blake Cameron.

He takes his hand from behind me and digs in his pocket for his phone. When he finds it, he takes it out, unlocks it, and calls his house number.

"Hi mom. The baby was born already. I talked to Bella, she said that it was fine if you two came over." He pauses, then grunts in frustration.

"Mom, if you keep acting like your bitchy self, you're never going to see your grandson."

Did he just...call his mom a bitch?

"Yes I meant it and no I'm not taking it back. If you come, be nice because if not ill escort you out and it won't be very kind either."

"Whatever." He mumbles, a hung up the phone.

Exactly One Hour Later

I can hear a faint knock on the door, and sluggishly try to sit myself up by propping up on my elbows.

"Bella, don't get up, it's okay." Blake says softly, placing Isaac in the bassinet.

Blake then remains standing as his parents flood the room.

I can hear his parents murmurs, and Blake nods in agreement to letting them hold the baby.

His mom immediately goes over and picks him up gently.

She starts talking to Isaac in the most fragile tone I've ever heard her speak in.

She looks up at me hesitantly, then looks back down at Isaac.

"He's so handsome." She whispers towards me.

"Thank you." I whisper back, not wanting to make eye contact with her.

She places a hand on my shoulder. I look up at her hand on my shoulder, then look at her plain in the eye.

"I'm sorry for the way my husband and I treated you. I-I-I-I have no excuse for my actions. I would like to start over with you." She says.

I remove her hand from my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I don't do pity calls." I pause," especially with someone who spots me as lesser than who I really am."

Authors Note

So I don't really enjoy where this went, but again, this story is not meant to be cliché in any way, shape, or form. Let's just see where this goes. I've had writers block for a while, so this is what came of it. I'm hoping you guys enjoyed this maybe even a little.

Total word count: 1009

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