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It's been a week since Brady took me out. It was just...wow. I can't put it into words how amazing it was. We screamed a couple times here and there, but we're teenagers, what do you expect.

So pretty much, he took me to this gourmet French food thing, and it was fancy—and pricy.

It made me feel bad for just getting a strawberry lemonade.

Afterwards, we went to, well six flags. Although my house is a handful of hours away, but he drove me there anyway. Luckily, I hadn't worn heels or anything, I wore my white converse.

At midnight, he kissed me on superman. I was practically hyperventilating, but since I could've almost died, well, that waited.

"Bella, can you listen to me?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

"Huh?" I say, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I said, Blake is tapping at your window." Brady says, his arms crossed, his blue eyes ice cold.

"Wh-I'm-Bra-I cant." I say, tears starting to rise in my eyes.

"It's okay babe, don't worry. Don't start cry-"

"Bella?" I hear Blakes voice echo in my bedroom.

"What?" I reply, not daring to let him make eye contact.

"Blake, step back!" Brady says, getting defensive.

"Brady, just—give us a couple minutes, wait in the living room please." I say, and give a reassuring smile.

"I'll be outside the door." He says through clenched teeth, then leaves the room.


"What the fuck do you want from me? First you sleep with Robyn, then my best friend, and you still have the audacity to come and ask me for crap! What is it Blake? What is it that I have and you want?"

"I want you to love me with such a hate, that the whole world shall be jealous. I want you to love me with such a hate after this." He says, then pressed his lips against mine, his hands holding my cheeks.

Although it's wrong, I've missed it for a while. I'm not sure what I missed, but I've felt empty, and now, I feel at home.

I don't hesitate on kissing back, although Blake almost strips me bare, I know when I've had quite enough.

I pull back, pulling my shirt back on, and buttoning it back up.

"What's wrong?" Blake asks, confused.

"I already have a boyfriend." And although it's true, it somewhat feels like a blur now.

"Can't you get rid of that problem?"

"I can, but I'm not a hoe Blake, I can't go from one guy to the next within a couple seconds. That's just not me."

"It wouldn't kill you."

"Why do you want me so bad?"

"You're perfect in your imperfections. You don't give a crap about what you wear, you just throw crap on and it looks great on you. You have it all. You're perfect."

"No I'm not. I've never told you about how I was bullied in the fifth grade and started to cut because I thought I was the ugliest girl in existence." I say, retracing my scars," you don't understand how much I've struggled to try to build myself up to be who I am."

And at this point, tears have once again streamed down my face.

"And that's that makes me love you more." He says, retracing my scars too," you've fought, and you never gave up. That's what a champion resembles. You still haven't caved up until this day. Look, I'm not looking for Malibu Barbie. I'm looking for Bella Woods, the girl who never gave up, especially when everyone was telling her to." He whispers in my ear.

He brushes his lips ever so gently on my ear, sending chills down my spine, then brushes them until he reached my lips, and little by little, pushes his lips closer to mine.

"Bella?" I hear a voice say.

Fuck! I forgot Brady was here! shitshitshitshitshitshit.

"Brady I can expl-"

"Explain my ass." He rolls his eyes. "We're done. Sorry for being the ass."

And I expected to be heartbroken, but I'm not, or at least not to an extreme.


"It's okay." I smile towards the ground.

"Bella, can I?" He asks. I nod.

He kisses my lips, then starts unbuttoning my shirt once more, taking off my spaghetti strap from underneath and my jeans as well.

Then I take his black tees shirt off, along with his khaki jeans, leaving both of us in our undergarments.

He starts trailing down my spine, until he reaches the clip of my bra. He unclamps the hooks, and send my bra flying across the room.

We both remove each other's bottoms l, and then he starts. At first, it hurt, but not to the point where I had to scream bloody murder, just to the point where I had the clutch the bedsheets.

Of course, we exchange pairs of moans, until we reach our climax, then reside next to each other, gasping for breath.

"Guess I was the lucky guy." Blake smirks.

And then I push him off the bed.

Trust me, it was hilarious.

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