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I'm awoken by the vibration of my phone. I unlock it, 12:55 am. A messgage, from Blake.

Hey, babe. Sorry to wake you up. An unexpected event occurred. My parents enrolled me for the marines, and I'm leaving in a week, well six days.  I'll be in training, leaving tonight. I'll come back to say goodbye before I leave. Go to sleep beautiful, I don't want you to become sleep deprived. I love you.

I finish reading the message, with tears pouring over my fragile eyes.

I quickly rummage out of bed, heading towards the window, where I see Blake packing his clothes.

"Blake." I say, coming out as a whisper.

Placing my hand on the glass window temporarily, then opening it up.

"Blake!" I scream out.

He looks over to the window, tears running down his cheeks. He nods, no.

"Blake!" I say, a bit louder. No response.

I see him approaching the window. The places his hands on it as to open it, but rejected the idea and backs up 2 steps. He reaches to the sides, where he grabs the curtains and pulls them shut.

This gesture hurts, not only because o was hoping he would talk, but because I needed to talk to someone.

I sigh in face of defeat, and lay back down.

I shed a river, before running out of tears.

I go downstairs into the refrigerator, and take out my moms bottle of wine.

She lets me drink it on occasion, like when I'm in a super depressive mood or something.

Right now, I'm in a super depressive mood or something. 

I pull the corkscrew out from the drawer, and uncork the bottle, then grab a stemless wine glass and put myself a drink.

I grab my wool sweater from the coat rack, and take the bottle and glass out with me towards the porch.

It takes me a moment to remember, but when I do, I spit out the wine.

Bella, you could be pregnant. Remember that.

And then I see a moving shadow. I look over and see Blake laying against his porch rail.

I go to mine, timidly.

"Hey." I say, in a soft tone.

"Bella plea-"

"I just wanted to say hi." I say, continuing with my soft tone.

"Bella, please don't make this harder than it already is." He pleads, tears continuing to roll down his cheeks.

"Sorry." I say, then leave with the bottle of wine in my hand.

I go back into the kitchen, then throw the bottle of wine and glass in the sink, shattering both.

I hear rushing footsteps upstairs, but I collapse onto the floor into a puddle of tears.

"Bella, is everything okay?" I hear my mom say, my sister only steps behind.

"No mom. Everything's not okay." I say, crying harder.

"What's wrong? What happened baby?" She says, sitting on the ground, putting my head on her lap.

"Blakes going to the marines." I say between sobs.

"Oh sweetie, everything's going to be okay." She says, trying to soothe me.

My sister on the other hand, she went back upstairs to sleep.

"No mom, what if I'm actually pregnant, what if he dies?" I sob harder.

"Bella, I don't know, but you have to know that he doesn't have a choice anymore." I can hear her start to cry too.

6 Days Later
"Mom, can I borrow a test?" I ask my mom nervously.

"We need to go buy some, I ran out centuries ago." She says, grabbing her car keys. "Let's go."

And that's what I've been dreading. The test. No, the outcome.

I get into the passenger seat of the car and my mom drives off. We go to target, then get the pregnancy tests.

As we're checking out, the cashier started looking at me funny, and man was I uncomfortable.

"Oh, those are mine." My mom says, directing the attention of the cashier away from me.

I mouth a thank you, and she squeezes my hand discretely.

We pay, then grab the tests and leave.

When we get home, my mom explains what I have to do, then she pushes me into the bathroom to try it myself.

I pee on the stick or whatever, the wait the designated 3 minutes, my mom by my side. After the time passes, the results show up.


My heart sunk to my stomach, and I began to cry. My mom hugged me, hot tears running down her cheeks too.

"He leaves today." I say, siting on the toilet seat cover.

"I know sweetie, you have to be brave, make the decisions you need to." She smiles, the departs to the kitchen.

I get a message in my phone. Blake.

B: Can I come over, say goodbye?

M:of course.

And just like that, I hear a knock at my front door. I grab the test, and shove it in my sleeve.

I open the door, traveling a well suited Blake Cameron.

"Blake." I say, sobbing.

"I know, I'm sorry." He says, hugging me.

I wrap my legs around his torso, and cling onto him for as long as I can.

When we let go, he already has to leave.

"Blake, wait!" I say as he's opening the car door.

He look up from the ground.

I run towards him. Pulling the test out of my hand, I give it to him.

"I love you."

He looks up, new tears forming in his eyes.


I nod.

"Wow, this just became ten times harder." He says, wiping his tears on the overcoat of his uniform.

"Sorry, just thought that you needed to know." I say, giving him a kiss, a long kiss because I know, this could possibly be that last time I ever kiss his lips.

"Bye." He says, wiping his eyes once more.

"Bye." I say, letting tears fall freely.

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