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Chapter 3

*Mal's POV* 

His voice. Ugh. I forgot how much i really hated that prideful voice. And I was going to have a great day. But no...he ruined it. Just like he always seems to do.

I turn and face him. The one who treated me like royalty all last year until I finally said yes to his ridiculous request of a date. The one who hasn't spoken to me in a whole 2 weeks even though he claims to love me. The one who I didn't realize until just now how much I loathe. Trevor. My "boyfriend".

"Trevor," I said while looking coldly into his dark brown eyes. 

"Wow, babe. Nice to see you too. Someone must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." His sarcasm wasn’t helping the fact that I wanted to slap him in front of everyone. Maybe I’m on my period or something and that’s why he’s making me so angry. Or maybe it’s the fact that he reeks of some type of drug and alcohol. I can only guess who was on his arm last night at the party he obviously went to.

"I just really can't be late to first period. It IS the first day of school after all."

"Oh babe, why not live life on the wild side a little more? How about you skip with me and the gang?" The gang. The gang that fought anyone who would step in their way. The same gang that just so happened to be the “gang” that got picked on and shunned in middle school for being the losers and nerds. Funny how that works, right?

"No thanks, Trevor. I'd rather not be kicked out of school on the first day back."

"Fine. Are we going to hang out later? We could meet up at my house and have" He ran his eyes up and down the length of my body, not even trying to cover up the fact that he was undressing me with his eyes. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry tense up and move his fists behind his back. People would normally look right past it, but I knew that was a sign that he was about to strike. He never did, unless being extremely provoked, but it was still scary as hell to see him mad. 

"Trevor, I have to work on homework with Harry after school. Maybe some other time." I lied.

"Oh Harry, I completely forgot you even were standing there. How are you buddy?" The fake smile he wore on his face didn't cover up the jealousy that Trevor had towards Harry. 

"Trevor," Harry finally acknowledged Trevor after an awkward minute of them angrily staring into each other's souls. 

“Well, since you're ditching your amazing boyfriend to do “homework”, then the least you could do is come to my brother’s party on Friday.” I looked over at Harry before nodding.

“Can Harry come?” Harry looked at me shocked after I said those words. He normally didn’t go to parties. He was the more stay at home and play video games all night type of guy. Me, on the other hand, I was always going to these parties. And I would be the life of the party without having to take one sip of alcohol. I knew what would happen after that one cup. Considering that almost all of my family has been alcoholic, I knew it was best to stay away from that kind of stuff. 

“Erm, Mal, I actually think I’m busy that night. I have..this do.” Harry stuttered looking down at the ground.

“Yeah..and it’s a more formal event and I doubt Harry even has something to wear.” Trevor said eyeing Harry.

Harry didn’t wear the nicest clothes. He, like me, always wore skinny jeans that almost always had holes on the knees and a band shirt or something not too dressy. Even though he had more than enough money to buy all the latest trend clothes, he just never seemed to like that style. That was one of my favorite things about him. He was just so...simple.

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