"Enough, God damn it!" Alex bellowed, as he sprung out of the chair.

"Alex, nay!" Callie stood up next to him, her arm holding onto his to calm him down and then she faced her sister-in-law. She spoke quietly with conviction and sincerity. "Ye dinna like me and it's true that I canna make ye. In fact, I dinna even want your friendship if it's going to be forced. But, it never gives ye a right to talk to Alex this way. Hate me all ye want, I honestly wilna care. I've never had a sister, so it's not something I ken how to miss. But, Alex? Ye owe him the respect he's earned as laird and head of this family."

The sharpness of the tension could be felt by everyone in the main hall. They had all stopped what they were doing to watch how Callie would react to Bella's outburst and not one of them were moving, waiting to see what would happen next. Alex kept an arm snugly around his wife's waist least his younger sister doubt where his loyalty now lies. He leaned down to brush his lips against the side of her head.

Bella nodded stiffly. "I ken ye are right about that. I'm sorry, Alex."

"Come on, Bella. We've loads to get done today." Glenna winked back at Callie, as she walked behind her niece.

"Amazing. Truly." Alex shook his head in disbelief. Bella wasn't ever known for backing down.

"Oh, thank Christ!" Callie sighed and let herself lean against him in relief.

He hugged her to his side. "Ye all right there, love?"

"I feel a bit sick to my stomach if I'm honest, Alex. I just dinna ken how she'd react to me." She blew out a shaky breath. "I'll be okay. Dinna ye need to go onto the training yard?"

Alex sat back down in the chair,, drawing her right into his lap. "Ach, Malcolm is down there with them. He taught me together with my da. It'll be braw without me for a spell."

"Ye missed enough days since we've been home. Ye can go, I dinna mind." Callie raised her brows in response to his own surprised expression. "What's that look for? I'm not a helpless babe. I'll be okay here without ye for a few hours."

Alex replied softly, smiling. "Ye called it home. Ye never said as much afore now."

"You're my home, Alex. Dinna mistake my meaning when I say this, because I'm verra glad to be here with you. But, the keep is just a building. You're my home." She hugged him close, leaning back to offer him a wee, cheeky grin. "Now, go train with your men and mind yourself well! I'm quite fond of the whole package."

"Are ye now?" He laughed, kissing her soundly. "I'll be sure to show ye it's all still in one piece later, love."

"I'd like that." She readily agreed. "But, what should I do?"

He looked surprised. "Whatever ye like."

"Is it okay to move things around in here? I'm pretty sure I can make better use of the space."

"Of course, ye can! This place has missed having a lady's touch. Glenna wouldna do it even when I asked. She said it wasna her place." He nodded thoughtfully. "I'll send a couple of the younger lads up here to help ye."

Two cleaning girls were walking past, as Callie waited for the men who Alex would send, so she asked them to grab supplies while they waited. Three lads appeared and moved tables per Callie's direction. She had them put the head table in a position where it was visible from each entry. She had them place smaller tables sideways in long rows making it easier for them to face the head table. When one was moved, Callie and the girls worked to clean behind it. She had them make a pretty arrangement for each table and they spread fresh rushes on the stone floor. The last thing she had the lads do was to move tapestries to hang behind the head table after they were taken outside and shaken for dust.

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