My four pups and I : Chapter 6

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  • Dedicado a all my wonderful and awesome fans!

Picture of Adam's mother ---------->


Adam’s POV

I enter my house dazed with a quickly beating heart. I found my mate…but she doesn’t want me. She has kids…that aren’t mine. Does she have a boyfriend? Is she married? Is that why she rejected me? It’s just my luck that this would happen and I should have seen it coming. But I’m glad that I know she’s out there and near. Her wolf was beautiful but when I saw her as a human, words escaped me. Images of her long black hair flowing in the wind and her blue eyes pop in my mind. Upon remembering them, I trip over a rug and fall flat on my face.

“Ow, dumb rug ” I mumble and rub my burning nose. I stumble as I get up and bump into a small table. The antique flower vase crashes to the floor and pieces of glass cut my skin. Swearing loudly, I use my hand to put pressure on the wounds.

“Adam, is that you?” My mother asks from the kitchen. I hear her shuffling around the kitchen, and then make her way towards me.

“Um, ya it’s me.” I say and my voice cracks a bit at the end. I search frantically for a way to hide my mess but find none.

“Hunny, what did I tell you about swearing? And what was that noi-“ She doesn’t finish her sentence and gasps at the broken glass and my bleeding arm. I send her a sideways smile and shrug sheepishly.

“Oh! What happened?” Her tiny feet try to avoid the pieces of glass, as she rushes over and grabs my wrist. She guides me towards the bathroom, although I know perfectly where it is.

“I, ugh, tripped.” I’m a bit humiliated as my response sounds stupid and childish. What grown man tips over a rug!? My mom notices my embarrassment and chuckles, as I sit down on the toilet seat. Her small hands take a piece of cloth and soak it under the faucet. In her mother mode, she grasps my arm and gently cleans my cuts. I really don’t mind the little moments when she treats me like a child. It’s one of the ways she exclaims her love and it brings back pleasant memories. Fun, carefree times when my parents weren’t down my throat to start a family. I sigh and watch my mother’s face scrunch up in concentration as she pulls out the small chunks of glass. Should I tell my parents I found my mate? But, why should I get their hopes up? How is finding your mate and getting rejected better then not having one? I’ll only see more disappointment painted on their faces. No, I’m not going to say a word unless she’s one hundred percent mine.

“Thanks,” I mumble and walk out of the bathroom. Her hand raps around my wrist, stopping from going any further.

“Adam, are you okay? I know your father was harsh but he loves you so much. As do I.” Her arms rap around me and I get a big hug. I nod and she kisses the top of my head.

“Go set the table for me, please? The Alpha’s coming over.” She nudges me playfully and we head towards the kitchen. She hands me seven plates and plenty of utensils.

“Why? And I’m guessing Lana and Gareth are eating with us too.” I step into the dinning room beside the kitchen and place everything on the table.

“Of course they are. Wherever the Alpha goes, so does his mate. You know that. ”Mom says as she prepares the great smelling food and I let out a laugh.

“Mom, you know that sounds a bit sexist right?” I inform her, knowing very well that wasn’t what she meant.

“Seriously, Adam? The female is just as important as the male. I know that first hand.” I can just imagine her with one eyebrow up paired with a slight smirk. My mom was very involved in the pack politics. She’s Lana, the Alpha’s mate’s right hand girl and works very hard on keeping the pack in order. While my moms work consist more on debating verbally, my dad’s was 100% physical. He trains our pack’s members to fight and defend themselves.

My four pups and I (Werewolf story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora