January 15, 1963

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Annabeth felt like an awful person.

When she was with her girlfriends, she had to bite her tongue about the one thing she really wanted to talk about: Terry. When she was with Bobby, she could feel the little nagging prickles of guilt build in her belly, knowing she was leading him on, knowing that she needed to continue in case she needed an alibi when it came to Terry.

She tried telling herself that she was being so dishonest in order to protect her growing happiness. All the lying and the secrets, it was for good cause. She knew that she shouldn't let her feelings for a boy cloud her better judgement and change the woman she had always been- which was a good, honest, Christian woman.

But there was just something about Terry that made her feel more alive than she had ever felt in her entire life. There was this rush of adrenaline that soared through her body every time she saw or thought of him. It was damn addicting.

The rational part of Annabeth thought that she only felt this way because Terry was her secret. He was something that she was 'getting away with' and not someone that she was 'falling in love with'. Playing the role of the dutiful daughter and friend for her entire life was sure to have taken a toll on Annabeth. She craved the excitement.

Then, she would think about those deep brown eyes and that enigmatic smile and she knew that no amount of talking herself out of this was going to do. She was happily stuck now. She was too far in, and way too invested in Terry as a person, to back away from him.

As scary as it was- as quick and surprising- she had completely fallen in love with him.

Terry surprised Annabeth that night by bringing them a quaint picnic of his Mamas homemade fried chicken and okra. He thought of everything, even bringing a big checkered blanket to lie against the trampled dirt, a blanket for extra warmth, and a couple candles so that they could see what they were eating and each other just a little better.

Annabeth briefly worried about the candles. She didn't want anyone to catch a glimpse of them from the road. She calmed her nerves by reminding herself that it was damn near 1'oclock in the morning. No one in their right mind was driving around so late at night. She knew for sure everyone in her house was fast asleep, and in a farming town like Audumnly, the farmers slept early and woke even earlier. They were as safe as safe could be.

"This is all so nice, Terry," Annabeth said with a smile as they sat beside each other.

"I know we can't go out on a date like a normal couple, at least not yet. But I wanted to do something to show you how much you mean to me."

Annabeth turned her head toward Terry's, meeting his eyes and smile with her own. For the first time, Annabeth initiated a sweet kiss in gratitude, taking his cheeks in her cold hands to hold him still for a few seconds longer.

"This is beautiful. Perfect." She assured him when she finally pulled away.

"I'm glad it makes you happy." he grinned proudly.

Annabeth smiled and leaned back against the barn. She began to pick at her food, delighted that it was somehow still warm and all very enjoyable.

"This is delicious," Annabeth commented.

"My Mama can cook," Terry boasted. "It's a secret family recipe."

"It's amazing," Annabeth cooed. "It puts my Mama's chicken to shame and that is not an easy feat."

"Maybe one day my Mama will tell you how she does it."

Annabeth smiled in response, not sure on how to respond. It was a nice idea; One day his Mama accepting her into their home and into their family. Silently, they both knew it was just polite chatter. Annabeth was just as likely to join his family for dinner as he was to join hers, which was not likely at all. It was disheartening, but it was true.

They quickly changed the topic of conversation to other things as they ate their food together. Before long, the plates were put away and hours had once again passed, the two of them growing even closer over the conversations that seemed to dig deeper into their souls at every turn.

"There was something else I needed to talk to you about," he said slowly as their night came to a close.

They were lying side by side on their backs, their eyes on the stars and their hands entwined between them. His thumb slowly rubbed the side of her hand and her head rested lightly on his shoulder.

Annabeth looked over to him. He was already looking her way, and the uncertainty in his brown eyes had her worried. She bit her bottom lip just slightly at the sight of him before her.

"What is it?" she whispered.

Terry looked over her face, his eyes pausing on her lips before coming back up and meeting her gaze. He almost looked as if he didn't want to say what he did next, but finally, the words found their way.

"I have to leave again."

"For how long?" She asked sadly as she turned herself fully toward him so that she was lying on her left side.

He copied her movement until they lay fully facing each other.

"Eleven days. I'll be back on the night of the 28th. Hopefully. If all goes well."

"Why wouldn't it? What are you going to do?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Annabeth," he assured her.

Annabeth pouted, not feeling the least bit assured.

"If everything works out, I'll tell you all about it when I get back."

He leaned forward slightly and kissed the tip of her nose, his hand reaching up and running over the side of her hair lovingly.

"So, you'll meet me on the 28th then?" She pouted.

"The 29th. I'll have some work to do in Birmingham when I get home and I don't know when I'll be through. I wouldn't want you out here waiting for me."

Annabeth closed her eyes and tucked her head down.

"I hate it when you're gone," she whined. "No one else knows about us so I can't talk about you. I start to think that I've made you up and that I'm going crazy."

"The only thing crazy about you is the fact that you're willing to be with me even with all of the obstacles that this relationship is sure to face."

"Terry, I think I'd always chose you- Despite all of our obstacles- Because you're everything everyone else around here isn't."

"You mean black?" he chuckled.

Annabeth couldn't help but laugh lightly along with him.

"No, I mean kind. Thoughtful. Sincere. Sexy as hell," she added with a shy smirk. "I just wish that you didn't have to go. I mean, I understand why. This is who you are and what you do. It's admirable and another one of the reasons why I like you so much."

"Will it make you feel better if I tell you that I'll be thinking about you every day, every hour, until we're here again?"

Terry brought his hand to rest lightly on Annabeth's hip. He brought himself closer to her, so that their bodies were almost touching but not quite. Annabeth felt her cheeks burn and she bit her lip to hold back her smile, even though it was damn near impossible.

"Maybe," She sighed playfully.

"Every day, every hour, every minute," he corrected with a deep, masculine laugh.

"That's better," She replied, right before he kissed her.

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