Chapter 22: Nothing Would Be The Same

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Chapter 22

He looked at me confused, I not saying anything. I honestly didn't know what to say. The only reason I could think of was that I wanted to get away from those people, but I knew deep down it was something more than that. There was a specific reason I chose here to come, but what is it?

"Uh...I don't know," I finally replied. I knew that wasn't the right answer, and the look on Marcel's face showed me that he was expecting something else.

"Oh...okay," he said, looking back down at his book.

I started to eat my lunch, watching Marcel as he read. It was honestly cute to watch. There was something missing though, something I just now realized was gone. But, what was it?

"Marcel?" I spoke up.

"Y-yeah?" he asked, looking up.

"Uh, I'll be right back."

I nervously got up from my seat and walked over to the popular table again. They basically shunned me the minute I walked over, but two people didn't. Can you guess who they are?

"You're back!" Carrie exclaimed. I faintly smiled but shook my head.

"Not for long," I told her.

The other person who wasn't shunning me was who I was here for. I knew that after what I was about to do, nothing would be the same.

I walked to him and took ahold of his arm. I pulled him up from his chair, and dragged him away from everyone's view. We now stand in the hallway, where the lights aren't on.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Harry asked, the playful smirk no doubt on his lips.

I didn't answer with words, I just grabbed his face and kissed him. He wasn't like Marcel in any way, that I already know. But, this time it was honestly better. I guess it's because I know it's him.

He instantly grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. I moved my hands down his chest and held onto his top, clutching it with all my might. I felt him start to move his lips, so I did too. His tongue slid into my mouth, dancing around with mine. I slid my hands back up to his head, pulling at his hair. The reaction I got was different from what I expected. He turned us around and slammed me against the lockers, moving one of his hands to the locker instead of my waist, leaving the other one there. He started to grind his waist against mine, leading mine in the same motions.

I pulled away from the kiss, huffing for breath. I moved my hands back, relaxing my arms on his shoulders. The small amount of light we were getting, showed me Harry's face. I knew he could see mine too.

"What was that for?" he questioned, smirking.

"I don't know, but I liked it," I replied honestly.

"I knew you would," he winked.

I rolled my eyes at him, but a smile was plastered on my lips. "You're such a dumbass," I laughed.

"But you like me, don't you?" he whispered, starting to kiss my neck. This sent a shiver go down my spine, just like always.

My eyes slowly closed, I enjoying the wet kisses. I don't know why I decided to do this, give Harry what he wanted, but I felt like I could have made my decision. Even after all he's done, Harry just has something about him that Marcel doesn't.

I felt him lift up from my neck, my eyes shooting open as well.

"What about Marcel, don't you love him?" he asked.

I looked at him, not really knowing if I did or not.

"I...I don't know..." I answered, dropping my head to look at the floor.

I was telling the truth, but I still questioned the answer. Did I still love Marcel? Just yesterday I would say that I did without thought, but now...I don't know.

"I need to get back," Harry said, breaking me from thought. I looked at him, but he wasn't in my sight. I then felt his hot breath against neck. "Don't miss me too much," he whispered, backing away and walking towards the crowd that had built from lunch.

I stared at him as he walked, even when he was gone.

The thing that Marcel lacked, Harry owned. Whatever that thing was....

Maybe that's why my mind is still jumbled with different thoughts. Maybe Harry could be the one for me, not Marcel. I don't know, but I hope to find out soon...


I sat on the couch, telling my mom what happened today. I told her how I did what she said, but by lunchtime I had talked to them both. She didn't seem mad by this.

" aren't mad?" I asked after I finished.

"No, honey, why would I be?" she asked kindly.

"Well, I didn't do what you said to..." I muttered.

"It's alright, but have you made a decision on who it is you want to be with"?

I thought on her question. Did I know who I wanted?

I shook my head for her, "No, I don't..."

"Well, that's okay. These things take time," she told me, patting my back.

I laid my head on her lap as she ran her fingers thru my hair. "Too long if you ask me," I huffed.

"Is there anything between the two that stand out? As in, does one have something about him that's different from the other that you like better"?

I thought about it for a second. There was that thing I found out that Marcel didn't have but Harry did, but the thing is, I don't know what it is. I don't know what the missing thing is...

"Well, there is something, but I don't know what it is..." I answered.

"Could it be that one is more confident than they other?" mom asked.

That's when it hit me. That's what it is. Harry is more confident than Marcel, and that's what's missing.

I shoot up from her lap, looking over at her. She looked startled, but it's because I sat up so quickly.

"That's it! One is more confident than the other, and I guess that's what I had been looking for all along," I told her.

She smiled at me, "So, have you made your decision now"?

"I think I have."

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