Chapter 4: Won't People Stare?

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Chapter 4

Anne called my mom and she said it was alright that I stayed, so here I am. On the couch in Marcel's house, all alone. I kept the TV on so I could have some light, the unfamiliar surroundings making me a little scared. As I tried to sleep, I could hear footsteps coming closer.

My eyes shoot open, my body stiffening. I hear them come closer and closer, until they stop right behind me. A yawn comes from the person there, them not doing anything else.

"Danny?" I heard Marcel ask.

I turned around, now facing the tired boy. "Yeah"?

"Sleep with me? I'm kinda scared..." he admitted.

"Uh, sure," I hesitantly answered. I removed the blanket from my body and stood up.

Marcel took my hand and we walked up to his room. It felt strangely nice to have his hand in mine, our fingers intertwined perfectly. Another yawn escaped his lips right before he opened the door. He led me to his bed, letting go of my hand once there. I climbed in, Marcel doing the same.

"If you want, you can put pillows in the middle so we're separated," he whispered.

"It's alright," I told him, lying down on the pillow. I faced the wall, hoping Marcel doesn't try anything.

I still can hear Carrie say those words over and over in my head, making me feel more and more uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Marcel asked, snapping me away from the repetitive words.

"Yeah, why?" I whispered.

"You were shaking, I just was wondering."

"I-I was?" I asked, my eyes widened.


I turned around, now facing the curly headed nerd. His eyes were barely open, only the slightest bit of green showing. He looked beautiful, I have to admit, but his other looks suited me better. I watched as his eyes slowly closed, a smile spread across his lips. It took only seconds for small snores to leave his mouth; I quietly laughed at how cute it was.


I opened my eyes, moonlight still shining through the windows and an alarm clock sounding loudly. I looked over and saw it lying there, just out of reach. I then looked down, realizing I was on top of Marcel's chest. My eyes widened, but I didn't move away. I wanted to stay like this. That is, until he shifted and made me move.

He turned off the alarm and sat up, stretching out his arms. I don't think he really realized I was here because he got up to his feet and walked straight into the bathroom, not even looking back or anything.

When he did that, I realized he was only wearing boxers. He looked amazing, the tattoos showing off themselves to me. It was quite handsome.

I decided to get up myself, so I did. I walked over and grabbed Marcel's glasses - the ones he gave me. I slid them up my nose and posed in the mirror, acting like a dork.

The shower started up, signaling to me that he was there. I payed no attention to it, just kept posing and laughing at myself. That is, until the shower stopped. I didn't know what to do, if he would come out or stay in there. What if he came out naked? With nothing on... I guess I'll find out, because the door just opened.

Marcel walked out, a towel rapped around his lower half. His hair was dripping, still wet from the shower. He scratched the back of his neck, looking towards me.

"Danny?" He practically yelled.

I laughed, seeing how shocked he was. "Yeah"?

"W-what are you doing in here?" He asked, still shocked.

"I slept in here last night. Do you not remember?" I asked, getting confused.

"No, I don't," he replied, starting to calm down.

"Oh, well, umm you asked me to come here."

"I-I did?" He asked. I nodded, walking back over to the bed. "Oh, I don't remember that either."

"I can tell," I laughed.

"Well, uh, could you leave while I get ready? This sorta m-makes me feel uncomfortable," he said, scratching his neck nervously.

"Sure," I smiled, walking out.

It was so cute how he acted so nervous. Even if he didn't look like a nerd, he still acted like it. I never knew I'd be able to see this side of him though, I always thought he would be just another crush. Now, I don't think that. I think we could actually hang out and do things together. Who knows...

Once I was downstairs, I could hear Anne in the kitchen. I guess they both get up early. She saw me coming and invited me in. I sat down at the kitchen table, watching as she made breakfast.

"Where did you sleep last night?" She asked, breaking the awkward silence we'd built.

"Marcel's room, he said he was scared and so was I so..." I trailed off, not finishing.

"Oh ok, well I was just wondering since you weren't on the couch," she smiled, wiping her hands on her apron. I just smiled back, not saying a word. "If you need clothes for today, I'm sure I have something you could wear. Marcel's sister has some things as well, you'd probably like her things better."

"He has a sister?" I asked, ignoring what else she said.

"Yes, her name is Gemma. She's in college so she isn't home, but her room is down the hall if you'd like to wear her things. She also has a bathroom in there, so you could take one in there."

"Uh, okay." I hesitantly got up, walking towards Gemma's room. Right as I got to the door, Anne spoke up.

"There should be some clean towels over there too."

I saw them, grabbed one and a washcloth, and headed inside.


I pulled up to school, Marcel sitting beside me. Anne told me that he didn't have a car, so I drove him to help her out. I parked, turned off the car, grabbed my bag, and exited. Marcel did the same, anxiously getting out.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"Uh, won't people stare?" He stammered, the glasses falling. He was in his nerdy outfit, the one I loved.

"Yeah, but who cares? It's not like we'll know these people forever," I told him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"C'mon then, scaredy cat," I teased, sticking my tongue out. He did the same, getting out of the car.

I closed my door and met up with him, us walking into school together. I personally liked it, but I don't know how Marcel feels. He looks nervous, watchful eyes staring from all directions. I have to admit, it was disturbing, but I didn't let it get to my head.

The Nerd? >> h.s./marcelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum