Chapter 7: Can I Come With You?

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Chapter 7

Mr. Saylor sat down at his desk, hands folded on top. He looked angry, furious even. I knew he never was a fan of this, kissing I mean. It's like he despised it with his whole heart.

"I'm very disappointed in both you, especially you Marcel," he spoke up.

"Sir, I-" Marcel began, but failed to finish.

"I don't want to hear it. You all broke the number one rule we have here. Since it was your first time though, Marcel, I will let you off with a warning. As for you, Miss Danielle, we're going to have to talk."

"Why? This is my first time too," I protested.

"Not from what I hear. You hurt Brad, our star quarterback."

"He was going to hurt Marcel! Did you expect me to just stand there and watch while this innocent boy got hurt?" I yelled.

"I expect you to talk to your principal with respect! Also, you can't just go around and hurt the reason this school is so good!" he spat.

"He isn't the reason, people like Marcel are! People that actually learn something while they're here instead of being a dumbass jock that won't accomplish anything in life"!

Mr. Saylor looked shocked, I as well. I can't believe I just said all of that.

"Miss Coxx, you are suspended!" he yelled. I sighed heavily, rolling my eyes. It took everything in me not to throw something back at him. "You two are dismissed."

Marcel and I stood up, walking out of his office. His head hung low, mine full of regret. I honestly can't believe I said that, especially to the principal. It's like something over took me in there.

"I should get my stuff," I told Marcel.

"Can I come with you?" he asked, still looking down.

"Of course, why wouldn't you? It's just down the hall," I smiled.

"No, I mean, can I come with you when you leave?" he replied, looking up.

"Y-you want to skip school?" I asked, bewildered beyond thought.

"Uh, yeah..."

"Your choice, big boy," I laughed, taking his hand and walking off.


I sat my bag in the back seat, closing the door and hopping into the driver's. Marcel sat in the passenger seat, hands fiddling around. He was nervous, that much was certain.

"It's okay, Marcel," I tried to comfort, rubbing his shoulder.

"No, I shouldn't have come. This will go on my permanent record and no one will ever hire me!" he yelled, still fiddling around nervously.

"It will not go on your permanent record, and if it did, it's only once."

"What if it isn't? What if, after today, I skip school all the time? Then what'll happen? People won't like me, they won't hire me, and I won't be the person I've always wanted to be," he said.

"That won't happen. You're too good for it to, trust me," I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Are you sure?" he sighed.


He sighed once more, nodding his head slightly. I smiled and turned on the car. We drove off to my house because Marcel didn't want to go home, but who would when the skip school?

My mom wasn't home yet, she never is at this time. When I walked inside, the house seemed so deserted. I guess that happens though.

"Do you want to work on our project while we're here?" I asked.

"Uh, okay."

Marcel and I headed upstairs to my room. It was right next to the staircase, so it wasn't far away. I walked in, sat my bag down, and climbed on the bed. Marcel looked around the room, seeming as in awe.

"What?" I laughed.

"Your room is," he gushed.


I looked around, seeing if I saw what he meant. My light pink walls with fairy lights and lanterns hanging around, seemed to glow brighter than normal. My bed, with it's canopy, seemed to look prettier. I see it, the reason he was awestruck.

"See what I mean?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

I saw him start to walk over, so I stopped looking around. He sat down beside me, getting out his history book as well. I watched him, until he noticed I was staring.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing," I lied.

I couldn't help but smile, his questioning face being adorable. I want to kiss those lips again, those plump pink lips. I want to cuddle with him and hold him tightly, never letting go. It may sound cliché, but it's true.

I think I love the nerd....

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