Chapter 20: He Was Winning

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Chapter 20

All day it was the same. He would whisper shit like "I'm the one you should be with" and "you need a real man", and it seems like he was winning. I was slowly fading into his plot to steal me away.

By the time lunch rolled in, I was a walking wreck. I literally couldn't even walk straight, but thankfully Marcel was there to help.

"He's really done it hasn't he?" I heard him ask.

"You have no idea..." I mumbled, stopping in my tracks once I saw him.

He stood there in line, getting his food. I saw those green eyes glance over towards the door, catching mine. A smirk flew across his lips, but he turned around quickly.

"I should just give up..." Marcel said, his head hung low when I looked over.

"No, you should keep fighting. If you love me like you say you do, than keep fighting," I told him.

"I know, b-but he'll take y-you anyway," he stammered.

"Are you kidding me? We've gone thru this, Marcel. I love you, not him. Okay?" I said.

"Okay," he smiled, but I could tell it was fake.

He doesn't believe me, and with what's happened in the past I accept it.

We turn back around and get food, going to the normal spot in the back to eat. I see Brad and Carrie at the table across from us, and I notice Carrie glance over.

"Hi," I mouthed, waving with a smile.

She only gave a faint smile and returned to their conversation. It's like we're complete strangers now. I mean, I talk to Marcel once and even stand up for him, and bam! We're complete strangers...I bet if Harry was my boyfriend that we'd still talk...

Don't talk like that!

I love Marcel, not Harry.

Speaking of him, I see him sitting at the other end of their table. He's bent back in his chair, feet up on the table, arms out on two girl's chairs, and maybe even a cigarette sticking out his mouth. He discussed me, yet at the same time, I find it very attractive..

He sees me staring and winks, sending a wave of glances in my direction. He laughed at how red my cheeks turned, but he stopped quickly and came over.

"I'll see you later, baby," he whispered, sending another shiver down my spine. I swear, this guy could freeze the Sahara Desert if he could gather enough women there to swoon.

But, not me. At least, I don't think so...


I said goodbye to Marcel, dropping him off at home. Today we aren't going to work on our project either. So, I get just go home by myself.

Just as I pull out, I see those eyes. The ones I saw at lunch. He smirked at me as I drove off, leaving his face be the last thing I see before the red light I almost miss.

I slam on the brakes just in time to catch it. How could my mind been so jumbled up? Oh wait...I know how.

Harry. That's how...

Those green eyes, that hair that he had slicked back out of his face, and that smile that could swoon any girl. That's the reason my mind was jumbled up..

It's the reason it has been all day too. Just the way he's whispered in my ear, constantly telling me those things. And the way he smirked at me in the hallway.

Oh shit.

What the hell am I thinking?!

I love Marcel, not that douchebag Harry... I?

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