Chapter 13: Ya Gettin' In?

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Chapter 13

I took Marcel home, hoping that would be okay. He didn't talk the entire way, I not speaking either. An awkward silence had built by the time we reached the house.

I sat back, awkwardly looking around at the driveway. Marcel unbuckled, doing the same as me. I decided I had had enough.

"Why aren't you talking?" I asked, looking over at him. He turned towards me and shrugged, still not talking. "You do know. What is it"?

"I-I guess I'm j-jealous of Harry," he spoke, voice cracking.

"Why, because I kissed him?" I asked.


"Don't be," I comforted, running my hand up and down his arm. He shook it off quickly, my arm falling down. "It seems like it's more than that."

"It's not, okay?" he said, getting out of the car quickly.

What's gotten into him?

I get out myself, wondering what to do next. Marcel had already reached the. door, getting his key to unlock it.

"Marcel, wait!" I yelled before he could go in.

"What?" He asked, turning to face me.

I walked over to the porch and up to his level. The height difference still remained, my head turned up so I could see his face. "You know you can tell me anything right"?

"Not this, not yet," he said, opening to door and walking in. "Bye, Danny."

"Bye," I said, watching the door slam in my face.

I can't believe he just did that. What's so bad about it that he can't tell me? Or is it just he doesn't trust me? Ugh...who the hell knows?

"Hey, babe," I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around, seeing the curly haired boy sitting in the car. "Could you move your car? I gotta park my mum's since Marcel left it."

"I was leaving anyway," I said, my voice signaling I wasn't in the best mood.

"Awe, what's got your knickers in a twist?" he laughed.

"None of your business, asshole," I shot back, walking down the stairs to my car.

"Oh I think it is, it involves my brother so it involves me," he said, his voice changing completely. Instead of sounding playful, he was very serious.

"When did that start to matter to you?" I asked, opening the door and getting in. I made sure to roll down my window to hear his reply.

"So he told, eh?" he asked, the playful tone returning.

"Told me what"? I had my full attention on him now.

"About what happened a few years ago, the reason I just now came back."

"N-no, he never mentioned anything," I said.

"Well, get in and I'll tell you all about it," he smirked, patting the seat next to him.

"And what makes you think I believe you"?

"The fact you want to know more than anything to hear what happened. I know how you girls work, so c'mon get in."

I huffed out a breath, turned off my car, and I got out. As I neared his car, I could see the smirk planted on those lips. I also saw that he had changed clothes. He no longer was dressed like Marcel. He had black skinny jeans on, a white V-neck shirt, and a black leather jacket. I couldn't see his shoes, but I knew they would be boots.

"Ya gettin' in?" he asked, as I stood by the door. I nodded and hopped in, buckling up.

His hands tightly gripped the wheel, a smirk playing at his lips still. As soon as I blinked, I felt a small jerk of force pulling me back. We were speeding down the road to an all to familiar place. There was only one way to get to it, this being the road we're on.

For some reason, Harry is taking me to the park.


A/N: I wonder why the park? ;) lol

Sry this chapter is short, but I'm tired and didn't really know what to write. There is something else I should ask, what happened?? What do you guys think??

Comment & vote plz!(:

Love ya guys xx

The Nerd? >> h.s./marcelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz