I don't know how long we spent in the field, dancing with each other, each trying to get the upper hand. But, on the ninth attempt at trying to clip the rope to his halter he somehow managed to latch his teeth around the snack. I tried to pull it away but he was too strong. I held onto the other end of the carrot refusing to give in. Blaze pulled back and we started a tug of war.

Finally with one aggressive heave Blaze dragged me forwards. Somehow I managed to flip the catch of the lead rope onto his headcollar as I staggered, only for my foot to land in a hidden rabbit hole. I went crashing down to the ground like a sack of potatoes, and lay there sprawled on the floor while my brain tried to catch up with what had happened. Blaze looked down at me from a few feet away while swiftly polishing off the second carrot.

'Terrific. Perfect end to a crappy day.'

I turned to pull myself up only to gasp in pain as my ankle gave way beneath me. A couple of curses escaped my lips and my hand automatically flew down to my injury.

'Well, now that definitely is the perfect way to end today. How am I supposed to get back when I can't walk?'

I tried to flex my ankle to see if it really was that bad - but it was. Walking all the way back up the field was out of the question, never mind trying to drag Blaze along with me. My fingers fumbled with my pockets looking for my phone, only to realise that I'd left it on the common room table.

Feeling totally defeated I dropped back on the ground and lay still, staring blankly at the sky. After a couple of minutes I felt the ground vibrating gently as Blaze wandered over. His long, carrot spotted nose looked down at me.

'No point feeling remorseful now boy. Damage is done. How am I supposed to get back?' Blaze flicked his head in the air a couple of times and suddenly the lead rope, that I'd somehow managed to connect, landed on top of me.

An idea popped into my head. There was of course one very obvious way to get back to the top of the field - and he had four working legs as opposed to my one. I'm not sure whether Blaze's approach was a challenge or an offer of help but I couldn't think of any other option.

Sitting up I wrapped my hand around the end of the rope and looked him straight in the eye.

'You better not make me regret this.'

Rolling onto my knees I slowly lifted myself from the ground. I really hope nobody was watching. I must have looked like a child who was just learning to walk.

Blaze remained still while I painfully hobbled to his side. I ran my hand over his soft coat, though I think it was more for my own comfort than his. I hesitated briefly as I prepared to jump up. This better not be just another one of his tricks and he's gonna dump me back on the ground as soon as I get on. Especially as I didn't have a riding hat. Mum would be having a fit if she knew what I was about to do. But what option did I have? I gulped and pulled myself up onto this back.

'Woah....steady boy.' I said breathlessly as he immediately started to walk forward enthusiastically. But it was odd, I didn't feel unsafe. In fact as I straightened myself my body automatically fell into position. It's like it was made out of memory foam. I sat tall, shoulders back and my legs wrapped around his body, holding firmly. My left hand clung to the end of the rope while my other knitted it's fingers into Blaze's thick flowing mane.

And then I smiled. Grinned even. I couldn't help it. My body remembered this feeling and it was doing somersaults inside as it swayed with the movement of Blaze's walk. Without even thinking I squeezed my legs and Blaze responded instantly, flicking his legs out into an impulsive trot. The bottom of the field vanished into the distance and before I knew it my heels squeezed once more, my body leaning slightly forward, and we moved in unison into a flat out gallop.

The rush of air whipped through my hair as it flew out long and loose behind me. The feeling of liberation took over, it was like we were flying. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so alive.

All too soon the gate at the top appeared and I started to ease Blaze back into a canter. With just my body and legs I urged him into a circle, dropping our speed, until eventually we were back at the walk and I slid down to the ground.

Immediately I threw my arms into Blaze's neck and kissed him. My heart was pounding furiously, but it was a good feeling. A feeling of exhilaration.

Blaze looked round at me like I was a crazy person. A shadow in the corner of my eye moved, catching my attention, but when I turned my head to look there was nothing there. Probably just the setting sun glinting on the edge of a roof.

Putting a little weight back on my injured foot I found I could hobble well enough to lead Blaze back along the path. He nudged at me a couple of times, like he was asking for a carrot as a reward for bringing me back. I was only too happy to oblige. I scratched at his dagger shaped blaze as he cheerfully wolfed down both treats I fetched for him.

'Thanks boy - I guess I owe you for that.'

Eventually I limped gingerly back to the common room. Amber was on the couch, stuffing her face with a bar of Dairy Milk. Honestly, I don't know how she stays so slim the amount of rubbish she eats.

She looked at me and frowned as I shuffled in.

'What happened to you?'

'A rabbit hole happened. Think I sprained my ankle.'

'Let me take a look.' I jumped at the unexpected sound of Connor's voice coming from the far corner by the kitchen area.

Wordlessly I slumped on the couch next Amber. Connor knelt on the ground in front of me and carefully removed my boot and sock. I chomped my teeth down on my lip. I could feel myself getting all hot and flustered. I rolled my eyes to the side to find Amber grinning at me inanely.

'Can you move it?' Asked Connor, giving me an excuse to look away from the merry expression on my cousin's face.

'A bit. But it's sore.'

'Hmmm, it's a little swollen but it should be ok. Go easy on it for a couple of days and you'll be fine.' He rested my foot on the top of an upturned bucket and then returned to the kitchen area. I breathed a sigh of relief, only for Connor to come back across, gently placing a small bag of ice over my ankle. He winked at me as he moved away again. I could feel Amber ready to burst into a fit of giggles beside me.

'Stop it.' I whispered.

'You're bright red.'

'I know!' I huffed loudly trying to cool my raging temperature.

'Well anywho.' Amber said brightly, in that amusing way she has. 'I better get home. Dad's probably burning dinner as we speak.' She vanished out the door in a flash, leaving me alone with Connor.

'So you've had a hell of a day huh?' He said from across the room.

'You can say that again.'

'You know that girl from the Pony Club?'

'Hmmm. Tiffany Wickham.' I practically bared my teeth as her face popped into my head. 'We always ended up riding in the same classes at shows. She didn't like getting beaten.'

'You were good then?'

'Not bad.' I shrugged modestly.

'Do you miss it?'

A lump formed in my throat. That exhilarating thrill galloping across the paddock all too fresh in my memory.

'I don't know....it's complicated.'

'Is it? Seems to me you either miss it or you don't. So which is it?'

'Yes.' I answered without hesitation. 'I miss it.'

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now