'Amber, can you widen the spread a little, and put the parallel up a hole.' Connor's voice brought me back to where I'd halted in the middle of the yard. Amber smiled at Harry and then darted into the arena.

I started to walk forwards again, and headed for the young guy with his back to me. As I went I couldn't help but flick my eyes back into the arena, just at the same time that Connor looked up and saw me coming across. Despite my rudeness yesterday, he smiled softly and nodded a welcome, so I did the same in return. All the while praying that my cheeks weren't burning bright red because they certainly felt like they were.

Thanks to Connor's acknowledgement of me, the lad I believed to be Harry turned and spotted my approach.

'Hi there. Would I be right in thinking you're Jenna?'

'Guilty. And would I be right in thinking you're Harry?'

'Spot on.' He grinned while taking my hand and shaking it so hard I thought my aching arm was going to fall off.

I took an instant liking to the object of Amber's affections. In some ways the pair seemed like a match made in heaven. Even, though Harry wasn't as chatty as Amber he still had that way of saying whatever it was that popped into his head.

He was a tall lad, and a bit thin and gangly, which was only made worse by the mass of black hair that sprouted from his head. It was so long and thick it made the rest of him look all out of proportion. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that Harry was honest and friendly and great fun to have around the stables. The only thing that bugged me about the boy was that he was clearly as gaga for Amber as she was about him. And yet he was obviously too chicken to ask her out. I'd have to do something about that.

Amber trotted back from the arena and climbed through the fence to retake her spot between me and Harry. The three of the us nattered merrily until Harry's mum appeared to take him home.

'So that's Harry then.' I teased Amber as soon as we were alone.

'Yes.' She replied innocently.

'He's nice.'

'Really, you think so? He is isn't he.' She gushed, eager for my approval.

'Yes really Amber, he's great.'

'Oh, I knew you'd like him.'

'So why don't you ask him out?' Ambers face fell so quickly I burst out laughing. She couldn't have looked any more horrified if I'd announced that her favourite band had split up. 'It's obvious he likes you, he's just a bit....nervous.'

'I can't do that!'

'Why not?'

'What if he says no?! I'll be humiliated. I'll never be able to look him in the eye again.'

'You can barely do that now. Just ask and get it out of the way.'

'Yeah, maybe.' She muttered uncertain. 'Have you got a boyfriend?'

'No. Yes. No.' I corrected twice. 'Not exactly.'

'Wow, I'm intrigued. Spill.' She demanded.

'Well, there's this guy Matt. He's in the year above me at school. We've kind of been together for the whole of this year, it's just that....'

'Yes?' Amber prompted when I stopped mid sentence.

'He kissed some other girl. Georgina, from his Biology class.'

'Oh. Were you pissed?'

'Yes. Although thinking back I'm not really sure why.'


Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now