I raised my knife, ready for any walkers to show themselves. I waited a few more seconds before deciding the coast was clear. Several boxes were stacked in the corner, a majority of them over filling with cans of food. A grin plastered under the fabric of my bandana and I jogged over to the boxes.

There were canned goods of every kind. Another box held ammo, but sadly I had no gun for them. My frown was quickly turned upside down after I got my hands on a bunch of kitchen knives.

I opened my backpack and packed as many cans that could fit, along with bottles of water which I took more of. My stomach felt full of excitement that I couldn't contain. This was more than I could find in four months.

Light shined through the open garage door. The sun was rising and the members of the skull group would be here anytime soon. I ran outside and closed the door then made my way back to what I called home.

It was a rundown studio apartment at the edge of the city away from where the real chaos was happening. No one dared to go into the city. That was where hoards of walkers surrounded every corner. They had been able to break into the nearby buildings and now they roamed about inside.

I pushed the dumpster under the fire escape and climbed on top to pull the ladder down. Once I made it up and through the window, I locked it from behind me and pulled the shades down so no one could see inside.

I dropped my bag down and pulled my jacket off, dropping that on the floor as well.

I went straight into the bathroom and turned on the flashlight that lied on the counter. Electricity had been long gone since the outbreak, same with running water and cell phone service. Everything that people had relied on, taken for granted, was gone.

I looked into the mirror. Dead, baggy eyes stared back at me. It was impossible for me to sleep at times like these. Three years in and you'd think I would manage to get one good nights sleep. Scavenging in walker territory didn't scare me, walkers didn't scare me. But maybe that was what I kept telling myself to forget that I actually feared them. I feared death. All of my dreams turned into nightmares and in each one, I would be eaten alive or captured by the groups I stole from and shot.

I flicked the flashlight off and I was immediately surrounded by darkness.

My movements were sluggish and slow as I pulled my backpack onto the dining room table. I decided on having cold chicken noodle soup for dinner. I sat at the counter eating my soup and rereading The Huckleberry and Finn Series for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Once the sky had turned dark, I convinced myself to try to get some sleep. This was a daily routine I did. I would tell myself that last night's nightmare wasn't real, only a dream and tonight would be much better.

An hour in bed, I found myself staring at the ceiling still waiting for sleep to wash over me. I wasn't very successful.

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my thoughts. I felt myself drifting off. I was actually beginning to fall asleep!


I bolted right up, eyes wide open to the sound of a gun shot.


More shots and a cry for help. I knew that someone was getting attacked by a walker. No way someone was getting mugged or raped or anything. The only people that survived this long were fighters with cold hearts, killing anything or anyone that threatened them.

I grabbed the pillow from behind me and dropped onto my back, the pillow held against my face. I groaned into it and bit at the fabric.

Stupid of me to think I could actually get some sleep. I don't know why I didn't give up by now.

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