"No more visitors after this. Stress on her environment can completely change her track and condition. So, I'm sorry. But no one must enter the room except me from now on. You guys can go visit Solidad, and like Ash and stuff. Tell him he can swim, but he needs to find me later to get the papers. You can visit anyone, but not May. Though Solidad is coming back soon. Back to here, I got the papers this morning," Dr. Hamilton explained. "Okay Drew?"

Drew nodded as Dr. Hamilton slipped out the door.

Drew silently padded towards the peaceful-now May. He sank into the soft chair, groaning and rubbing at his eyes. "Hello. May. Ugh. I had so much to say, and I was thinking about all the bad things...and now? I have nothing to say. How disappointing," Drew told her, hesitantly brushing back May's sweat-soaked hair.

"She'll be alright," Paul said quietly, shoving Drew to the side. "Wake up in a couple days."

"Dieu merci," Serena breathed, her wavering voice the only sign of worry from her strong, confident stance. Dawn cried into her shoulder, tears of joy this time.

(Thank God," Serena breathed,)

"It will be okay, Mar, hold your head up," Misty whispered gently, supporting her cousin. Leaf hugged both of them with relief, exhaling a breath she didn't even realize she had been holding.

"I'm going to the cafeteria. We're free for the afternoon. Tell Ash that he's allowed to go swimming, if he confirms it later with Dr. Hamilton. Otherwise, I'll tell you more there. I'm hungry. Solidad is up for visits, though she's coming back soon, tomorrow maybe. Max is May's little sister, if you guys don't know. He'll be staying with us until things are permanent with May whether she wakes up or not. Otherwise...class dismissed. Training was this morning. So...have fun!" Paul said, before running up the stair, leaving the crowded hallways and quiet mutterings.

Max followed the cold trainer up the stairs, to the dining rooms.

Paul heard Max's stomach grumble irritably, asking for food.

"Truman! Can I get a smoothie? With that protein powder stuff that Bertha is insisting we eat?" Paul requested, sitting down on at the large table in the center of the room.

"You want any?" Paul grunted, looking at Truman, but talking to Max.

"Uh...Can I just get a normal smoothie? Without...Protein powder? And maybe some Pokemon food?" Max said nervously, polishing his glasses. When Truman inclined his head in agreement, Max called out his Pokemon. "Metagross, snack time! You too Gyrados!"

With a flash of light, both of the giant Pokemon were in the room.

"Uh...maybe we should go to the Pokemon floor. Where everything is built for them," Paul proposed with a raised eyebrow, gesturing towards the door. The disgruntled Metagross and Gyrados looked like they agreed.

"Uh...yeah. Sure," Max said sheepishly. He returned his Pokemon, and the pair left for the Pokemon floor.

"We'll be at the PF! Bring some Pokemon food for me too, yeah?" Paul called out right before the door closed, and he held his foot out, making sure it didn't close.

"Got it! I'll get Swanna to bring it to you guys!" Truman shouted back from the kitchen.

"'Kay!" Paul affirmed, leaving with Max.

They were just as quiet as before as they moved further up the Base, getting closer and closer to the surface. But before they did, they got to the PF, both of them releasing all their Pokemon. They were both silent as they settled down, minds on totally different things.

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