Yes, his family was rich, but because of Mr. Shinji's attitude towards his son, family time was broken and there was no love shared between the pair.

Reggie tried to make up for the lost love, but he was Paul's brother, who reminded Paul bitterly, like a slap in the face, what he should be, and would never be, so he could never be right for his own damn father. Paul wasn't the type to hold grudges against someone because of someone else though, so he treated Reggie fine, though he preferred to just be alone.

Of course, Kaylyn always took Paul's side, and never did anything threatening to Paul, so Paul was absolutely fine with his mom. But his father? The less he saw him, the better.



Now here was where we started all this. His family, was similar to Ash's. His mom was loving, caring, and work-at-home. His dad was a cold, workaholic that wanted to create his children into perfect images of himself, so that he'd have two heirs, legible for the job.

Drew...did NOT want the job. He wanted to be an agent, and before that, a coordinator. Of course, all those were banned. Christian Hayden never made time for his family, yet expected them to waste their time on him. He never showed any respect really, acting like they were just objects. Another part of his property. Then demanded that Drew, Rose, and Jennifer respect him.

Of course Jennifer and Christian had married for love, none of that arranged marriage shit. But still, they grew apart when Christian lost interest in keeping his wife happy. He became less warm, cold even, and started running out of time, only time for work. When Mrs. Jennifer Hayden brought it up, he got mad, and hit her. Repeatedly. And it went on. Perhaps, if it wasn't for the baby girl Jennifer found out she was four month pregnant with, maybe she would have never filled out those divorce papers, and got out of there.

Jennifer wasn't helpless. In fact, she herself was an imposing, wealthy, intelligent woman. So she fought. The Haydens soon divorced, and the pair argued in court who would take custody of poor nine-year old Drew.

Drew had been so mad at his daddy, who he had looked up to, as a child, and didn't understand why his dad would hit his mom.

When he was at school, lots of kids 'liked' him, simply because he was rich, and wealthy. But those who weren't blind to the money factor, made fun of him for his family troubles, his mom, his unborn little sister...he had it hard. No one accepted him, and treated him bad, and those who were his 'friends'...none of them really cared.

Not only that, but even as a young child, he had the pressure from his father to be the best and prepare himself for the future of imposing businessmen, and the world of serious, diplomatic stress. Drew didn't want that job. He had wanted to be a coordinator, then an agent. And so he wished that his mother would win custody over him.

And Jennifer eventually did, but only partial. She had him for eleven months of the year, and his dad had him for one. So Mr. Hayden still was a hovering shadow over him, and still held him in a tight grip. It wasn't until his Pokemon journey, till he let up.

His dad treated Rose like a mistake and a piece of property. And he wanted Drew to be like him as well. But Drew loved his mom and sister. He wasn't about to abandon them. Still, up into that day, Mr. Hayden pushed for Drew's loyalty and respect.

When he went on his journey, he met the other heirs, and they understood him. All of them. Drew finally found people who understood him, so of course, when the group of boys decided to join the EIA, agreeing with Cynthia's offer, Drew immediately joined, without hesitation.

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