I can't be mad at him about not giving me any money. I'll just have to show him that I can make it on my own, like I been doing for the past three years..barely.

I pulled into my driveway and saw my mama's red Audi sitting on the curve. I don't know why she continues to drive those nice cars on this side of town, somebody is bound to rob her ass eventually.

I unlocked the front door to find her sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper and drinking what I'm assuming was tea.

"Hey ma." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey sweetheart." She answered.

I sighed and went to my room. I sat my stuff down and changed into some black leggings, a oversized Victoria's Secret PINK long sleeved shirt, and some pink fuzzy bedroom shoes. I went back to the living room and sat beside my mama on the couch.

"What's wrong? You look down." She said, sitting the newspaper down on my coffee table. Even though my tiny one bedroom apartment is no where near as big as her and my daddy's three story mansion, she still makes herself comfortable over here.

"Heather fired me today." I spoke, rolling my eyes. She shook her head.

"I knew it was coming sooner or later. Cali, you should have realized it wasn't okay to show up late everyday. Now what are you gone do?" She asked.

"I don't know ma, my bills are due nest week and I'm still behind on my light bill." I stressed, running my fingers through my long locks.

"Babygirl, you need to start looking for a job. Like today." She said, picking the newspapers back up. I sighed and grabbed my cheap galaxy s4. I would fucking kill to have my iPhone back man.

"Ah!" My mama screamed, causing me to drop my phone.

"What the hel- heck ma!" I yelled. I knew better than to let words like that come out my mouth around her.

"Here's something.." She passed me the paper. She had circled an add in black pen and I immediately handed it back to her once I realized what it was.

"No." I said.

"Cali, why not? You need a job and look how much he's paying!" She said, showing me the number I didn't pay attention to the first time. Holy shit, five thousand dollars a week? Man, I could really use that.

"I don't know about that, why would I want to be a freaking maid? I don't even like cleaning up after my own self." I whined, scrunching my face up. It's true, my mama comes over on Saturdays and cleans up for me.

"You need to break out of that habit and make this money that you badly need!" She said.

"What you tryna say?" I lowkey mugged her.

"Sweetie you know what I'm trying to say." She chuckled. I ignored her little sly comment.

"But it says I have to live with him, what if he's some serial killer or something?" I pouted. She trying to have me on Law & Order or some shit. I don't need Elliot and Olivia investigating my rape and death.

Although, if I was raped and killed, I would be honored for it to be investigated by them. Wait, they're not even real detectives. Okay, back on topic.

"That's why you're going to go to the open interview tomorrow and get to know him little girl. And I'm not taking no for an answer so you better be there." She said, grabbing her purse. She dropped a few hundred dollar bills on the table and out her coat on.

"Your husband gone get you, you better take that back." I joked, grateful that she came through.

"He ain't gone do nothing. Alright Cali, I love you and be safe." She said, giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

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